
My 10 year old daughter and mean boys?

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My daughter who is very smart , cute, and very thin...but socially not coordinated at all (unless in the theater, making good grades, or playing anything Pokemon ) ... she is in 4th and the boys are already starting to tease her because she likes Pokemon... (also new school for her) girls aren't too fond of pokemon either, but the boys are especially mean....her last report card was 4 A's and 2 B's.... but she is very sensitive about fitting in..she may lose any self esteem she has left by 5th grade. how can I help her?? She doesn't want to give up her Pokemon at all... How can she prove to these kids that Pokemon is not un cool ?? and if it us uncool... any suggestion on what else she get into... she very into art, theater, and pokemon... oh, and nature =)





  1. In the area that I live in there are Pokemon tournaments that involve both boys and girls.  If you wish, contact me and I will find out more about them.

    DO NOT change who your daughter is.  My 4th grade girl is not interested in the same things as her peers.  She does not have a problem with kids teasing her though because she has learned to stand up for herself and not care what others think of her.  She is proud of not being a sheep like the other girls in her class.

    As I said, contact me through here and I can give you some thoughts on what works for my daughter.

  2. you don't have to change what she's her choice.  enroll her in afterschool activities of common interest....if she like theater, find program for kids interested in the same area...when she feel fit in there, it will boost her self esteem and therefore show it when she is in school.....what's in and out is created by the kids themselves, if a cool kid thinks wearing braces is cool, then wearing braces is cool....(believe me, i've heard kids wanting braces) her in all you do...

  3. We went through this with our 10 year old only it wasnt pokemon it was instead she still had all of her dolls and the other kids were outgrowing them.  We got her signed up for softball with the other kids and into gymanstics and dance to give her something else to focus on.  Now when she goes to school it is all about ball or dance than the dolls and it is working.  10 is an hard age because now most 10 year olds are acting 13 and the ones who arent are tagged as being weird.  Find the other things your daughter enjoys and go from there.  If she loves theatre then get her into dance classes check out what sports are available in your area and let her select one to make friends with the others and give her more options.  Tell her that if she wants to play with the pokemon things that is fine but to do it at home and not at school.

  4. Pokemon is soo old and i hated it when i was 10! I think you should give her some new girly clothes to raise her self esteem or buy her something nice. get off her off the track from playing with pokemon

  5. I love Pokemon, too, and don't really get made fun of for it, now that I'm in High School.

    Nor did I get made fun of for it in late elementary school/middle school, mainly because I kept my love a secret.

    I think it's best to tell your kid that she shouldn't care about what others think about her hobbies, because they're probably just jealous that she has something she really enjoys.  Maybe she'll find some friends that do love Pokemon.

    Anyway, she sounds like a cool kid... and it's good that she doesn't want to give up her hobby to be "cool".  Ask her if the "cool" kids in school have any desirable traits.  They're most likely all mean and nasty.  

    I, too, am recovering from the low self esteem I had built up during middle school.  Maybe she'll be just fine.

    Teach her to be happy with herself and how she is.  

    I really don't know.

  6. well first of all ur daughter need to lay off of pokemon come on know get her into something artistic

  7. I think you should broaden her perspective. Pokemon is a Japanese animation, or anime, and there are a TON of anime out there for her to check out, and lately anime has been very popular in the US. She could gain friends by getting into different types of anime as well. Also, I think you should teach her how to stand up for herself, and get her things that she likes to raise her self esteem. If she likes a certain outfit she sees in the mall or something, you should get it and have her wear it to school (if they don't have a uniform to wear or anything) and wearing something you like makes you feel better. And if she's being teased, toughen her up a bit... the only reason the boys are teasing her is because she's an easy target, but if she begins to stand up for herself and her interests, people will leave her alone and she'll probably even make more friends. :)

  8. omg, first of all ignore the first answerer. Second, if she likes pokemon, then let her! Let her be herself! There are plenty of girls who like pokemon, and plenty of boys who would be willing to be friends with her. I'm 13 and I love pokemon, and digimon! Don't let this bring her down! Dare to be different!

  9. aww the poor thing, I would not suggest she give up something she enjoys to fit in. That is teaching her to go with the crowd.

    Does your school have a girl scout program. This would help her meet some new friends and she loves nature this should be a good fit.

    Also try to invite girls from her class over to play one on one. This will give them time to bond.........who knows she might get them into pokemon, while they are over or find something else they both enjoy such as Hannah Montana

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