
My 10 year old daughter confessed to me that she has not washed her bottom for a week?

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And I am very worried will she be okay?




  1. thats dumb well i eman why wouldnt she

  2. Shouldn't you be making sure she takes a bath or shower every day?

  3. She'll be fine as long as she doesn't have blisters, and take her temperature if she seems to feel achy, just to make sure she hasn't caught a bladder infection.  Tell her I said YUCK!

  4. I'm fairly certain she will survive.  She may need to be better instructed on personal hygiene, especially since she is approaching puberty, when her skin will get oilier, body odor will increase, and her peers will definitely notice.  No kid wants to be made fun of, especially for something as simple as not cleaning yourself regularly.  Just explain the importance of this, and hopefully she will start taking better care of her hygiene.  Also, explain to her that not cleaning her genital area can increase the levels of bacteria that could cause a vaginal or urinary tract infection.

  5. I would assume so. I would try to explain to her the importance of personal hygiene.

  6. that is very nastay but havnt u ever done that ??

  7. Sorry, this made me laugh out loud.  She likely won't contract a weird disease or infection or anything, don't worry.  I would definately sit down and ask her what's going on though...

  8. Hi Lexi,

    Not washing your Butt for a week can cause a problem.. She would have a smell to her and people around here wouldn't like to be around her, because of the nasty smell of not keeping her self clean.Plus she could get some kind of infection for not being clean. I would make her go to the bathroom and take a shower and double wash her Butt.. NO kidding here, she need to learn to get her self clean My Friend,especially being a girl.

    Your Friend,


  9. Yes she will be fine. Start making sure she washes her bottom and when you come in to help her wash maybe it will embarrass her and she will start washing it on her own from now on.

  10. Oh the Tween Stinky Phase.  Your daughter should be fine, you have to think that daily bathing wasn't a habit until the mid part of this century.  

    Be prepared for an uphill battle on this one.  I know parents who have mandatory bathing time where they sit outside the shower with an egg timer every other day with their child.  Good Luck and I hope you've invested in good soap!

  11. She will be fine, but why the confession?  I find that more curious than the not washing part.  Did she tell you why she didn't?  And what made her tell you?  I wonder if that's how she is trying to assert herself.  I know that this is a very short question, but from the words you used, I wonder if she feels you place high expectations on her in other areas and this is how she chooses to go against you.  I say that because instead of "my daughter told me" you said she confessed to you.  It seems to me that you are putting yourself in a higher power (not a parent, but church, God) that she has to answer to.  Maybe you are very intimidating?

    And the other reason is that you just seem to really be overreacting to the situation.  There are plenty of situations around the world where regular showers are not possible, and somehow that is not causing any problems.

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