
My 10 year old daughter needs to raise up money to get an ipod touch.

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She already has an ipod but she gave it to her brother because he doesn't have one. She really wants to get an ipod touch and i think i would let her because she is really mature.




  1. maybe she should do babysitting for your friends kids or neighbors

    or she could even do a yard-sale and a lemonade stand with her stuff

    mow peoples lawn

    walk peoples dogs

    i hope i helped

  2. Wow I am 10 too and I wish I could raise money from mowing lawns and stuff  but my mom does not let me so I am doing chores which my mom does not let me do alot of either only washing dishes,and folding laundry which is 25 every two weeks. Let her raise money please.

  3. ok.

    your choice to let her get one. her money!


    keyword: you said you would let her get one.

    but i'd (the parent) put up about half of it b/c she gave it to her brother  (do they get along? and did he pester her about it? if yes to 1 and no to 2, then i'd put up about half).

  4. She "needs" to?  No, it sounds more like she "wants" to--there is a difference.

    While I can appreciate her attempt to be generous by giving her iPod to her brother, I'm curious--did she clear that with you first, or did she just take it upon herself to give away her expensive electronics?

  5. Why does a ten year old need an iPod touch?

    You could give her some money for helping with chores around the house. Other than that, I don't think there are a lot of things 10 year olds can do to raise money.

  6. doing chores around the house.  and maybe even helping her out since she did give her ipod to her brother.  good luck

  7. Ok so whats your question??

  8. Whoopee doo...what's the question?

    You're seriously considering letting a 10 year old get a $300-$400 iPod? WHY? That's something that she really has to be responsible for...I wouldn't do it, even if she's saving for it, she can use that money for something better.

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