
My 10 year old eats with her hands?

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She has a-typical (high functioning) Autism. Fine Motor dyspraxia, Sendory integration. She always tries to eat with her hands or a spoon. We push the spoon of course, but if she thinks we aren't watching she goes back to eating either like a dog or with her hands. She wont use a fork or knife, it's just too hard for her. She's in OT for the Fine Motor and sensory stuff. Will this help her to start using proper silverware, or do I need to mention it as a specific problem? Personally, I don't care how she eats as long as she eats, but obviously in public you can't have a 10 year old girl eating this way. She usually just orders chicken strips so she can use her hands when we go out.




  1. I would encourage the spoon. It's more important to your daughter to be able to handle an easy utensil than what some stranger in public might think.

  2. I'm 15 and i tend to eat everything but soup with my hands. I simply don't like forks very much idk why, just make sure she washes her hands before eating.

  3. i have a broher is is autistic.ones saying take her food or force her just doesnt understand.shes different than other just have to keep working with her.try an award system maybe.tell her your proud and praise her when she does it.that does it for him.also talk to her therapist.

  4. I'm not sure. I would def. bring it up. I have a cousin with autism...and he wants to stab all of his food with a knife.

  5. She's making an effort. Maybe you shouldnt encourage foods she can eat with her hands (like chicken strips). Instead order things like soup ...where she'll have to use a utensil. You could also encourage use of other "tools" at screwdriver and screws. or let her use her hands elsewhere like gardening. she may be very talented using her never now.

  6. You said she can use a spoon.

    When she dose not use the spoon go up to her and correct her.

    If she keeps doing it take the food away and let her know she can ask for it back when she used the spoon.

    Than work in the fork in between.

  7. In my opinion you should just let her eat how ever she like then when she realizes that she is the only one eating with her hands then she will begin to eat with a spoon by her self. you shouldnt force her she will eat with a spoon when she wants to. In some religion all people eat with thier hands so its not totally out of the ordianry.

  8. ifs shes going to eat with her hands u need to treat her like u a baby an wen it comes to feeding time u feed her an wen her frends come over feed her an let her be inbarrest

  9. keep trying eventually it will get to her, also you can make it seem like a game

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