
My 10 year old niece is having problems at school..... what can we do to help?

by Guest66112  |  earlier

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My niece just started the fifth grade and is having problems being accepted. The girls make fun of her for her clothing and the fact that her mom doesnt have a very nice car. They dont have a lot of money and her clothes are just fine. I told her that she doesnt need friends like that because money isnt everything, its whats on the inside that matters. do you guys have any advice on what we can do?




  1. Obviously this is a bunch of pubescent girls and they can be cruel at this age.  I suggest you tell her to just ignore them and the things they say.  They are cruel because in reality they are themselves insecure about growing up and pick on someone to make themselves feel less insecure.  Once in middle school where there are more kids there will be less of a problem.

  2. My heart is aching because our society has created this type of problem for a lot of people. Not just girls, not just school age but everywhere.

    I am 46 and heavy set (not fat- "pleasantly plump") and have been made fun of all my life. I use to feel that I was not worth anything because of the weight but then I look at my good friend from high school who was skinny (not all that pretty) and she has become a bar stool queen who uses men because she is thin and men think she is all that and a box of candy too. It took me thinking clear to see that I am better than she is.

    I did not (still don't) have the designer clothes or car and my divorce left me even worse than ever but my daughter (22 yrs old now) understands that she had more than the richest girls because she had "true" friends and fans which is most important.

    Keep close to your niece and share my message with her. She is WAY to good of a girl to let the others make fun of her and get away with it. Have her think about Brittney Spears maybe- how she thought she was all that - pretty, rich, and then what?? She made real bad choices because she let her self respect go and that is what will happen to the girls that are teasing your niece also -

    Good Luck!

  3. You're right.  Also, tell her to tune them

    out.  Focus on something important.

    Don't give them the satisfaction of

    knowing they're getting to her.

    She has to find the inner strength

    to rise above them.

  4. Maybe sign her up for some clubs in your community, like sports or girl scouts. everyone will be focused on the activity and she might make friends! Good Luck.

  5. Always smile even to this mean girls, and make jokes even with your own problems...Although I doubt if there is no nice girls.... be nice and kind, dont pay attention to them... they wiill stop if she agree to them and say something like "yes my mum's car isn't the best, so what? its not the end of the world... yet!" Either you can agree or ignore them... its the only 2 ways that they will stop... if your niece tell them "live me alone" or "go away" that seems that she dont like what they're doing to her, the mean girls will continue to p**s her off and make fun of her... But if your niece do what i told you before, the girls will say "its no fun anymore make fun of her, if she doesnt care" and they'll go away!!

    Every school has these mean girls... I quess I am lucky and I never had problems with mean girls... But I had problems making true friends.. But when I came to highschool, I found my 5 true best friends!! You just HAVE TO be patient!!

    HOPE I WAS HELPFULL!        =D

  6. Here is some advice for your niece.

    "Going through the world without a friend is like walking through the rain without a coat."

    Point is, you want to have a comfortable coat, not a ratty one. She'll find a friend soon, OK?

  7. bud out, you're her aunt not her mom

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