
My 10 year old sister has a cell-phone!!!??

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Well we have a joned family and my "sister" (my moms boyfriends daughter) has a new cell-phone (Her mom bought her,,who is My moms boyfriends ,,ex wife)

Know i'm a-lot older than she is and i never got a cell-phone at that age ,nor do i have 1 now! I want to know what your opinions are on this!

-Do you think shes a spoiled brat?

Thats up to you to decide!




  1. from reading your other questions, it sounds like you have a lot going on in your life right now!  New sister, new family, new school, and now your sister has a cell phone and you don't!  And every time you ask for a new dog, the answer is NO!

    The truth is, if you are going through all of these changes, your family is too.  Your sister's mom could have had many reasons to get her that phone, but that is between her and her daughter.

    You say that you are a lot older than your sister, and from what i've read, you've either been transferred to a new school or are a freshman in high school.  Therefore, you are old enough to take a step back and put yourself in your mother's shoes.  It is hard taking care of a family, especiall a joined family where there is an ex-wife and step children involved.  The last thing on her mind right now is getting you a cell phone, your sister getting a phone, or your opinion about a phone.  Also, a dog is a huge responsibility, and as much as you say you are going to take care of it, your mom would be the one potty training it, paying the vet bills and for all the supplies, training it, and dealing with all the bad things that come with a new dog.  Not to metion a large GSD could hurt a yorkie, a dog that was most likey purchsed for you or the family years ago.

    Back off, take a deep breath, and tell your mom you love her.  Tell her that you think that you are mature enough for a phone, and since your sister has one to keep in touch with her mom, you would like one too.  If it is too much right now, then you would love one for the holidays.  Showing your mother that you are mature and telling her that you love her will get you farther faster then nagging and begging for attention and phone and puppies.

    Sorry for the lecture, but it's the truth.  If you are having a rough time, so is your mom, and you are making it that much harder on her.

  2. You got shafted. Lulz!

  3. No 10 yr old needs a cellphone.  Yeah, I would have to say that she is spoiled.

  4. Considering everything you wrote I highly doubt your sister nor you have important enough to say that can't wait until you use the phone attached to the wall. You are a silly American girl and just wanting the mobile phone makes you just as bratty as your younger sister.

  5. I'm the mother of a 12 year old and she's had a cell phone sense she was 10, but my daughter's phone has all kinds of functions, the one she better not ever mess with is the locater function. She knows if I ever find her phone and not her ,well let's just say it's never happened.Plus the way schools are you can never be to safe. I just fell better knowing she can call me anytime.

  6. thats not fair! you should be entitled to a cell phone as well if she has one! and yeah being 10 yrs old she doesn't have no business with a cell phone in the first place, she should have to wait until she is older, you should've got one first since your older, yeah i know her mom got it for her, but your mom should've got you one also if she got one, that's my opinion.  

  7. With today's world, 10 year olds with cell phones aren't an uncommon thing.

    It's actually good if they're alone for periods of time or walk home from school.

    Not a spoiled brat, as long as the phone is simple and she's not like texting on it 24/7. And even if she was, what's the big deal?

  8. Did her mom get her the cell phone so she could talk to her daughter easier?

    You sound kind of jealous. It's just a phone. Don't worry being older you will get to do all the fun stuff first.  

    I will probably be getting my daughter a cell phone when she is 10 just so I can keep tabs on her 24/7. :)  

  9. If she's living with you then maybe her mum just wants to keep in contact without everyone int he family knowing. I think Id be really jealous and anoyyed if that happened to me. Try asking your mum if you can get one too encase of emergencies!  

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