
My 10 year old sister looks at p**n.?

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My 10 year old sister looks at p**n on the computer, and she hasn't even entered puberty. Is this okay for her? Is there any way I can stop her?




  1. Sweet, that's awesome. Let her do what she wants.

  2. Why?  Why would she be interested at all in that?  That is where my concern lies.  

    This issue needs to be addressed by your parents.  If you don't want to rat her out, simply tell your parents that they need to look up the history on the computer.  They will be able to figure this out themselves.  Make it clear that you are not doing it!

    Hopefully your parents are responsible enough to control this situation.  I see nothing good coming out of this...

  3. That's not normal at all for a girl her age. I think its best if you tell your parents about this.

  4. You need to put an end to it NOW! Tell you parents NOW!

  5. I don't think it is a good idea for a girl as young as 10 to be watching p**n.  If she is curious about her body it will be a good idea to give her some more educational material.  Currently there is a wide selection of books and dvds on the market to explain everything about the birds and the bees.

    Try talking to her first, before involving your parents. It might be embarrassing for her and if you make a big deal about it she would only start doing it secretly.

    Maybe she's just bored.  Give her other things to keep her busy.  Get her away from the computer more often, to break the habit.

    Maybe she should take up a sport or start a hobby.

  6. Tell your parents!  No 10 year old should be looking at p**n!

  7. you can install NetDog p**n Filter : on the computer, netdog blocks all p**n quitely and automatically in the background when your sister's on the computer.

  8. well maybe she's just curious of body parts. you should give her the talk

  9. It is normal for her to have some curiosity about these things.  However, obviously p**n is not the best way to learn about s*x.  I would talk with her and let her know that p**n is just really nasty and in most cases degrading to women.  Suggest she talk with your Mom or go to the library and look at some books on s*x education. If she continues, I'd tell your Mom and let your mom intervene.

    Good Luck.

  10. Let your parents know and they can decide whether or not they want her to. She's going to see it some day so i personally wouldn't see the problem but your parents might not agree.

  11. Tell your rents and block the sites and give er the talk

  12. it's okay having curiosity about s*x and asking your parents about it but it's not okay when a 10 years old girl looks at p**n.I mean she may get a wrong idea about s*x!

  13. I was 8 when I started looking at p**n. My parents didn't allow me to, but I went on myself without them knowing. I'm not sure what I'll do about it when I get older, but 5 years of looking at p**n was a long time for me to 'explore it?'

    Yes, I was perverted when I was THAT young. Even aroused. So it is normal at that age for some people. I suppose it's different for everybody.

    She's just curious and wants to explore. Tell your parents. They'll tell her to stop and punish her. But now that she knows what it is, I doubt she'll really stop.

    And it also depends on the person, too. She might like p**n, or she might just be looking at it. I don't know your sister, so it's only you that can tell if she likes it or not. If she does, it will be hard for her to stop. If she doesn't, explain to her what p**n is and she'll stop looking.

  14. she is probably not being sexually aroused. shes probably doing it because its something different and exotic i wouldnt worry

  15. yes, you can block all the p**n sites by getting into your control panels and users

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