
My 10 year old son cannot sleep in his own room all night he either comes down to sleep with me or his sister.

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  1. Do not give in to your son. A night light should be sufficient. At ten years old this is not acceptable.

    Tough love is required. Look for Dr. Phil or SuperNanny for help.

    Never give in. You are the parent. You are the boss. You are not being kind by giving in.

    He should have learned when he was an infant to 'self sooth' and be able to sleep alone in a bed.

  2. Get up and take him BACK to his room and tell him to get into bed.

  3. since you didnt say why he couldnt, im assuming you dont know?  ask him why, then lock him in his room '-'

  4. I used to to this when I was 8-11years old becuase I would have nightmares.  I would sleep in my my own room but some nights I would wake up and sleep with my parents.  There were time because I had a bad dream or sometime I didn't but if woke up during the night I would go to my parent's room so I can preven a bad dream.  When I was 11, my parents said enough is enough and said I had to sleep in my own room.  Maybe ask him what is bothering him.  Maybe he also has bad dreams.  I used to have bad dreams because I had a bed time snack right before bed.  My bad dreams had toned down.  I still have everyonce in a while but of course I stay in my bed since i'm grown up and now its just when I'm stressed.  My belief to this is actually letting him stay with you.  My parents let me sleep in their room for so many years and I turned out okey I eventually grew out of it and learned to sooth myself when I had a nightmare.

  5. You shouldn't let him sleep with you or his sister. You need to make him sleep in his own room. Try staying in his room until he is asleep to see if that helps.

  6. cannot or will not? Send him back to bed.....over and over until he knows you mean business.

  7. I did that growing up, too. Big house, lots of weird creaky noises. My parents did not make a big deal out of it and would allow me to lie there for a while and then walk me back to my room. Are you worried he is going to continue to do this? Snuggle and be glad that he is comfortable with you now. The teenage years might seem like a long way off, but they aren't and you'll be lucky if he still likes to cuddle now and then.

  8. when i was young i used to do the same thing...i used to sneak into my sisters bed ... if she kicked me out I'd wait until she fell asleep and then crawl back into her room and sleep at the end of her bed on the floor...i did that with my parents sometimes as well...I eventually grew out of that..My mom decided it was time to start a reward system...every time I spent 5 nights in a row in my own room I got a surprise...I was afraid at night...that's why I would sneak into my sister and parents rooms...within a month i was sleeping soundly in my room...I'm 31 now it was years ago but i remember it and was glad my parents didn't make me feel badly about the behavior and instead helped me get over the feelings i had at night....:)

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