
My 10 year old son is breaking my heart>>>>>?

by  |  earlier

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My son, who is an identical twin, 10 years old... is driving my crazy..... He is always getting mad and calling me names,,, today he flipped me the bird, and has told me that I'm a *****....I have tried everything from talking to him to really "punishing him...... He is a very smart kid, he is even in the gifted program at his school....... most of the time we are very close and other times he is soooooo angry at me............. What is going on??? I am at the end of my rope!!!!! I love my son, and he knows that... why is he treating me so badly?




  1. glad your not a 15 yr old mum to 10 year old twins, that would be scary.

    Try talking to his teacher. There is possibly something going on at school and he is not dealing well with it.

  2. My nephew was just the same way, I was his guardian for a while and he was a very angry kid and it turns out that his anger was all because he tough his parents dint love him,sometimes the best thing to do is to talk it out,so you can figure out whats really the issue.if he wont confide in you maybe he can talk with a school counselor.

  3. Whoop his *** and send him to bed hungry. Make sure he gives you respect, or else he's gonna walk on you.

  4. I know this may sound harsh, but your son has no respect for you. This is obvious from his behavior. You need to find a way to regain his respect. Difficult children need consistency that sometimes seems beyond human ability. I found some of the best advice ever in the Love and Logic book on meeting the challenge of challenging children, but you have to decide to follow through on whatever path you choose to take or nothing you do will be effective.

  5. i would sit down and really have a heart to heart with him and let him know he is hurting your feelings. and if he still has a anger issue after that and after being punished then i would put him in counseling to dig further.

  6. What is going on is called puberty.

  7. I wish I can help you. im 18 and I dont remember acting like that. But from what i do remember is people that acted like that were usually getting themselves into trouble at school. Do you know if he is hanging around with different people?? He could probably be suffering from something, maybe a family doctor or try calling a counselor or something. Im very sorry for how he is treating you. I wish you luck!

  8. u should take him to the doctor. it could just be rebelion of some sort or anger problems or it could be something more serious like bipolar or multiple personality disorder or something like that.   good luck.

  9. Why dont you just talk to him

  10. 1st of all go and buy a really thinck BELT!

    ur the parent n he's under ur roof

    ever heard of the saying : spare the rod spoil the child

    if yu allow this to continue he'll do this all the way into his teens

    or let him see a doctor. he might be bipolar.

    i am a firm believer in spanking n taking away things he likes

  11. assuming from your typings i think your just one of those crazy moms that get married at a young age and have babies at 15.  well if your like 43 then your have to show him who's boss

  12. I would tell his Dad to give him a good talking to about this.

  13. do you treat the other twin differently? maybe in his eyes hhhis brother gets more attention or rewards from you? maybe he doesnt do well in school, in sports or socially so he is acting out because he thinks its your fault because you gave birth to him.

    have you tried ignoring him? or walking away when he calls you names? i would try to over reward him when he is good... but not like you are buying his love.

    how long is has he been doing this? he might need to talk to a counselor... preferably not the schools... you don't need them involved.

  14. He needs to visit a child physiologist, ask your PC doctor for a referral.

  15. Put him in time out if he gets up put him back and don't give in and let him get up bc you feel bad....good luck

  16. I think if I were you I would take him to counseling and if that didn't work then I think that I would put him in boot camp. Boot camp will straighten him out real quick. I would make that my last resort though. Good luck and God bless you!

  17. Sounds like an anger problem or something else is bothering him.  He may not feel comfortable talking to you about what is going on.  I think he should see a counselor and maybe you should to (together or alone).   Seeing a counselor is not a bad thing, it does not mean your son is a lost cause or you have failed as a mother.  Sometimes you just need a little extra help and an outsiders unbiased opinion.  Talk to his teacher or the counselor at school to point you in the right direction.

  18. He needs help. I had a friend in 4th grade who would scream and cuss at the teacher. Just like your son. The Docs said it was because she missed her mom who was 3 states away from her, and she didnt get enough love at home. So just don't nag him to clean his room or anything. Just give him lots and lots of love. And if he keeps doing it, he does indeed need help. Tell him "I dont like you when you're like this, but no matter what, I will always love you." You'll make it, Hun.

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