My 10 year old son is very chubby on his stomach area and face. He Just sat me down and explained to me how he feels. He's worried because to get on the hockey team, you can't be over 100 pounds, Which is unfair. I've been making him swim, fixing him salads for dinner, skipping ice cream for dessert and having a mixed fruit bowl.He currently weighs 156 pounds. When he told me that you cant weigh over 100 lbs, i didn't believe him but he showed me the paper. The paper said:
"ALL STUDENTS WHO WOULD LIKE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY SPORTS, CANNOT WEIGH OVER 100 lbs" in a deep bold print. Is there any good water aerobics that he can do? Please help.
*Also, Don't you think it's unfair that children cant play a sport because of their size?*