
My 10 yr old is acting funny. She pee peed the bed last night and has had almost like mood swings lately.?

by  |  earlier

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I am wondering if it is just pressure of summer school to pass or I hope it is not puberty yet. I ask her why she is emotional and she said she does not know, I ask if anything is wrong and she says no. I am out in the dark on this one!




  1. As for peeing the bed, unless it's happening repeatedly, it's fine. As for modd swings, totally normal. Girls are hitting puberty around 8 these days. Girls as young as 9 are wearing bras. There is another possibility, though. She may be having mental porblems. Has anything devastating happened to her recently? I recently had to deal with the death of a family pet, and it is affecting me greatly. Good luck and god bless!

  2. maybe she started her perid

  3. I think she is hitting puberty.

  4. i think you should just sit her down and talk to her. if she keeps this up then maybe take her to the docter. there is always a possibilitythat she is going through puberty or possibly about to start her period.

  5. Well if the behavior change is not too drastic maybe just wait it could be some sort of phase. However, it may warrant taking her to a counselor to make sure their is not something else going on (like sexual abuse, bullying, etc)

  6. Whehter you HOPE it's not puberty yet or not it is.

  7. Take her to the doctor.

  8. Go with suprmeem......also calmly engage in conversations. She might give you a clue to what's going on. Could be nothing serious-could be more serious. Give her hugs and good luck.

  9. give her love

  10. I remember when I was ten years old better than any other age!If you don't talk to her about school you may want to! And, if ,like, for some reason she is asking( you )for a padded bra or anything the other girls at her school (or at school,period)may have you may want to give her one.

  11. Well it could be almost anything: stress from summer school, pressure, actual sickness, etc... but my best guess is that it is puberty. Girls hit puberty very young, as early as 9, so that isn't unreasonable. And that could definitely be causing the mood swings.

  12. how do you know it wasnt something else besides pee?  maybe shes doing something else

  13. Has she been in a situation lately when she may have been molested?  Think hard if there has been any recent opportunities for a creep to have access to her.  If not she may be getting ready to start her period, could be hormones.  But peeing to bed suddenly may signify sexual abuse somewhere along the lines here,  could be someone you don't expect.  I know it happened to me when I was 12 by my cousin.  Best time to talk to her about it is when she's in the right mood, you can't push her on the subject unless the timing is right.  I suggest she also see a doctor.

  14. It is very likely puberty and an odd occur ance of wetting the bed. Sometimes hormones cause you to think you are going to the bathroom but you are dreaming. If she doesn't understand the mood swings, it is likely the onset of puberty.

  15. It sounds as though something is stressing her out.  Perhaps it would be good to sit down and review what is going on in her life right now.  It could be tensions at home or at school, relationships with her friends.  Something similar happened to my daughter in second grade.  She is the kind of person who needs lots of stability and doesn't like change and the need to be a little bit in control.  We eliminated the health possibilities first by taking her to the doctor who ran some tests.  When those came back negative, we worked on helping her through her insecurities.  In a few months, she was better and we tried very hard to let her know that it was nothing to be ashamed of.

    Good luck.

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