
My 10 yr old is on track developmentally in all areas except emotional. Can gluten free diet help?

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My 10 yr old is on track developmentally in all areas except emotional. Can gluten free diet help?




  1. Maybe you should try that.................if there is no improvement you should talk to your pediatrician.

  2. the only way to know is if you try it.    it cant harm him anyhow so you mite as well try it. if it doesnt work then it doesnt work but it cant help to try

  3. Get him tested for a gluten sensitivity.  You can do it through the doctor's office.  You don't specify how you think s/he is delayed emotionally and whether this is a diagnosis or just your view.  There are many reasons a child can be delayed emotionally and kids don't develop evenly.  A kid can be ahead academically and behind emotionally, or vice versa.  Neither is wrong, just different.  I would talk to your pediatrician and your child's teacher and get their perspective.  Sometimes the teacher has a better idea of what's normal than we do as parents because they see a wider variety of kids and have a different perspective.  If you need more help, your ped. can refer you to a child psychologist.

  4. Only if he/she has some kind of sensitivity to gluten, such as celiac disease.

  5. I don't get what you mean, can you explain a little more please?

  6. It's worth a shot, it can't hurt him to try it. My son is on a gluten-free/ casein-free diet and within a month of starting it he was a different kid. We started when he was 4 and he was having problems at preschool. He was an emotional wreck but was actually advanced in every other area. He's 5 now and still on the diet and doing MUCH better than last year.

  7. time, is he in 5th? or 4th? if he's in 5th... he'll catch up eventually, but in 4th.. gluten free? got me... time!!!

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