
My 10 yr. old son's friend is leading the rest of their friends to ignore him. What advice can I give him?

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My son is in the 5th grade. He is kind of an anxious kid, sensitive and shy. He is however athletic and has become more socially active after the 2nd grade when he became friends with a boy from our neighborhood and his school. Their friendship grew and his the circle of friends now includes three other boys. All 5 boys are good students and athletic and seem to come from good families. I have noticed that the original friend of my son is the leader of the group. This "leader" seems to pick one of his friends as the target and does things to leave that one person out. Now, it seems to by my son's turn. For the past few days at lunch this boy will not let any of the other boys sit with my son and at recess, when they are all playing soccer together this same boy will gather all the friends and run away together and leave my son out. He has done this to two of the other boys at different times also (according to my son). My son has been very depressed; is there anything I can do?




  1. It daddy around. This sounds like father son talk about self worth and independence. No different than the daddy daughter talk about not needing to seek love elsewhere.

    Anyways the point is that.

    1.) What goes around comes around. If your son partook of this type of activity before than he has no right to be down in the dumps and now knows how it feels to be abandon by someone

    2.) Time to make new friends

    3.) Stand up for yourself and don't be a follower. Have self pride and respect and people will flock to you. Be yourself and nice to all people. Friends come and go. It only sucks when you only have 4 friends.

  2. happens with my group of girls all the time. We have a group of 6 girls who play everyday. And yeah it feels awful when it's your child. I am trying to teach my girls to stick up for each other and not leave each other out. I tell them to remember how they felt when it was their turn to be left out. I think it's starting to work.

  3. Talk to that boys parents about it.

    He should be taught, that isn't nice

  4. OK so this happens to me all the time in fact its happening to me right now what you need to do is just stay out of it i told my mom to leave me alone and she did if you get into his business if u do then he will be happy its the time when he is going through a lot of changes the boy just needs to go up to him and say " i understand you don't want to be my friend so just stop annoying me and get out of my life and if you decide to be my friend again then OK but right now leave me alone

  5. I wish he could play with my son, he only has one friend in the whole school..The kids love isolating him and picking on him as well. It`s called bullying, I would bring it up with the staff at the school. The staff has to do something, it`s not fun being socially isolated...

  6. go talk to the boy mother and the boy will stop.

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