
My 10 yr old son wants his ear left pierced?

by  |  earlier

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he has short hair, loves to were holister shirts, polo shoes, he doesnt really bring F's only C's lots of girls like him at school, he also has strong arms. heve been askin me for almost about the hole school year i told him will talk about it durin the summer.




  1. I'd tell him sure, when he turns 18.

  2. ah, let him do it. he is only young once. when he grows up to get a serious job, it may not be accepted and he would have missed out on something he really wanted.

    being a kid is about having fun. if he gets tired of it there is no harm done, he can take it out and there will be a very small hole that no one will ever notice.

  3. I think if he can clean it, take care of his ear, keep off infections, and pay for the cost of everything he should be able to pierced.

  4. I say that's too young. He might be thought of as trying to stand out and end up hanging with an older crowd, which he doesn't need at 10. I say, wait until he's 15.

  5. say NO. i personally never liked the whole boy-pierced ear look. it's a bit girly don't ya think?

  6. Tell him no. Don't let him do something permanent as a child he may grow up and hate and wish he had never done to his body.

  7. NO way.. hes only 10 years old!! tell him he can do it when hes 18

  8. I got my daughters pierced,In the 2nd grade, a boy whose ear was pierced asked her for one of her earrings lol.I don`t care for a lot of piercing or tatoo`s in people (just me) Kids, this age are trying out their idenity, if we don`t let them have a little freedom, in choosing what they do,they are going to get wild later on. So I would say yes, to this, because-if he does`nt like it, his ear will close up.I think by letting them do some stuff andgiving them some say about their appearance, when you say no, they will tend to accept it more.

  9. NO

  10. make it an incentive tell him if he brings a report card home with all A's B's and only one or 2 C's then you will take him to get his ear pierced:) and then he you will be able to see how bad he wants it cause if he doesn't try hard in school the he really doesn't want it

  11. I think boys that young look ridiculous with a pierced ear.  Tell him when he is 12 or 13 (or whatever age you feel is appropriate) if he still wants to pierce his ear you will agree to it then.

  12. oh, god, don't let him do it.

    I find it to be a turn-off.

  13. i take it he wants to be a girl

  14. Tell him he is a pimp hardy har har!  Just kidding.  Umm... it sounds like he might be g*y.

  15. well.... i think there is nothing wrong with guys and piercings... my husband is in the air force now, but when he was younger OMG!!!!! So many piercings so hot!!!!.....

    Not that you want your ten year old to be hot...but I'm thinking you think him piercing his ear would make him "g*y." I just want you know know its not g*y at all!!

    However, if he really wants this done, why not use it to motivate him to do even better in school? C's are good, but B's are better, and if he got A's you'd buy him a more expensive earring? Having girls like him, and having strong arms is great, but education is what will get him though life, motivate him to succeed!!

  16. You are his parent. That is your decision. If it were my kid I would say no, he's 10 and may not handle the taunts at school from those who don't like it.

  17. If he really wants to, let him get it! Its his way of expressing himself, and there are a fair number of ten year old boys with their ears pierced. If he gets sick of it someday, he can take the piercing out and let the hole close up.

  18. i wouldent hes a little kid so it will make him look like hes playin dress up. wait till hes older and it will look better.

  19. Kids don't get to decide this stuff or talk about it-Your the Mom your the boss and what do you think the rest of us who are good Moms will be thinking-You shouldn't even need to ask-Be the Boss-and you get to be the boss for the next 6 years so you don't even have to explain NO just say it

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