
My 10month old has a fever that has lasted for two days.HELP!!!FIRST TIME MOM ?

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I took her to the dr and she gave me some ty and benedrly for her runny nose. She said it is just a cold let nature takes it course. I am very worried because i checked her temp and it read 102. I gave her medicine and it went down and she went to bed. I looked up other answers like mine on here and some of them said they took there kids to the er and they did nothing. Just like the dr today. So what should i do..I am a first time mom. If i do go to the er we will be there all night just for them to tell me its a cold. Should i wait til tomorrow...My baby has never been sick before and i am a new at this mom thing




  1. It's natural to be worried as a first time mother :) But there isn;t much reason to be. Just make sure it doesn't last longer than 4 days. If her temp gets to be 103 degrees and she has had her medicine already in the last 4-6 hours, I would give her a room temperature bath. That should help cool her off and soothe her. You don't want to give her a cold bath because it can shock her system. On hot days you can also lightly spritz her with a spray bottle, or wipe her with a washcloth or baby wipes. Make sure she isn't wearing alot of layers, and sleeping with blankets. She'll be fine :)

  2. She could be teething--babies will get fevers with that, too. Instead of tylenol, try motrin. She can have it after 6 mos. I believe the dosage is 1/4 tsp, but I'm not positive. I'd call your local Walgreens and ask the pharmacist how much she should get. It lasts longer, in terms of keeping the fever down.  

  3. IT's likely a virus which will pass in a day or two. A fever that lasts longer than 3-4 days should be re-evaluated. Sometimes the virus or infection is in the early stages and the doctor can't " see" a cause for a fever so if the fever continues, I'd just plan on going back.

    Also, go back sooner if the fever goes higher, doesn't come down with Tylenol or your baby seems to be worsening. If new symptoms start, call the doctor to see if they'd like to re-examine.

    Good luck!

  4. You need to take him to the doctor. Its not good for them to have a fever over 101 for more than two days. It can cause permanent damage to the brain. You want to look out for the best interrest of your child, not how long your gonna be in the er for.

  5. keep tylenol in her every how many hours it says. if it's not better by the morning call her doctor back.

  6. If the Tylenol is bringing it down, then try not to worry.  If she still has a temperature tomorrow, get her looked at again.  She's fighting an infection, so it's normal for her to have a fever.  Babies tend to have higher temperatures than you would expect.

  7. Is it possible that she has an ear infection?  has she been tugging at her ears?  when my son had an ear infection his temp was around 102... if you keep giving her tylenol and the fever still wont stay down call your ped and maybe have her checked for an ear infection...

  8. My grandson had a fever of 102 with a cold. He was around your child's age. The Dr. said give Tylenol every 4-6 hours to keep the fever down. I did this the first day. He started waking up in the night as his fever came back.So we did it round the clock.  If the child has no vomiting or diarrhea. Is eating and drinking some, ( they usually don't eat well when sick), then the Dr. is probably right it is just a cold . Just be sure to monitor the fever and keep the baby hydrated . If it continues for more than 2 more days then I'd take her back to the Doctor. Also sponge baths helped. Hope your little one feels better soon.  

  9. It's so hard having a sick baby. My son's 11 months and just got over a really bad virus. I'd keep pumping the Tylenol in to supress it, but if if she's up all night and nothing's helping, go ahead and call the pediatrician on call for the weekend. They'll probably have nothing to offer, but reassurance is always good. Just keep your little one hydrated... if she's not eating as much try the Pedialyte. 48 hours is normal, I'm sure her fever will break soon... good luck!

  10. At ten months old you can give her baby Motrin. If that doesn't work.  Try alternating the Tylenol and Motrin. Give her the Tylenol If it hasn't came down in a couple of hours. Give her the Motrin.  Give her the Tylenol every 4hrs and the Motrin every 6hrs. Good luck hope she feels better.

  11. It is not unusual for your age baby to have a fever for up to 3 days, just watch her for any other symptoms. It is ok to let a fever go if it is low grade but if it gets higher than 101 give her something. I had been advised from a nurse before to alternate between tylenol and motrin, or just use motrin alone, it works better on fever than tylenol. Only give recommended dosage for her weight. good luck.

  12. I won't tell you to stop worrying because that is what a good mother does. Worrying during those sleepless nights when her baby has a fever.

    If the temp was 102 and went down with medicine, your baby should be fine. Just make sure she gets the medicine at regular intervals so she does not have to go throught a roller coaster, temperature wise.

    Check her temperature often (like once every hour), to make sure it stays low but try not to wake her up as you do that. She needs her rest. A little temperature is okay, this is how her system will be able to fight whatever bug she has. In fact, the higher the temperature, the shorter is should last but it's also more dangerous so people are advised to lower the temperature with meds but then, it will last longer.

    Make sure she stays cool, the least clothing, no blankets. It's summer now, just a diaper should be fine.

  13. my son was 5.5 months old and had a fever of 102-104. for four days.

    we stayed on top of the tylenol and timing. wash cloths on back of neck and head.


    if shes somewhathappy but feverd it will be a lot eaier on you.

    but like the doctor said. its out of yours and their hands.

    shell bring her fever down. and right back up. she wake up screaming when its up and will sleep when it goes down.

    youll do just fine. just relax and that will help your daugher feel more safe and know your in controll.

  14. Your first priority is breaking the fever before that temp causes perm damage. You've already given you baby the tylenol, good the next thing i would recommend is wrapping your baby up in a cold body towl for a least 10 to 15 min. Repeat until fever has broken, then my maybe liquid tylenol in a another 4 to 8 hours.

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