
My 11 month old and Cows milk?

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My son is going to be one here in a few weeks and we have been trying out the switch to cows milk. We have been putting like half of formula and half of Vitamin D milk, and everytime he drinks it he pukes everywhere. And I mean everytime. We have been trying for like two and a half weeks off and on. Does this mean he is lactose intolerant? Im worried that he wont be able to ever handle dairy. Please help!




  1. go get an allergy test.  

  2. it could be a couple of things. Yes lactose intolerance is one and another is that his system is not quiet ready for cows milk. Usually the doctor recommends after 1 yr old to start. I would suggest telling your doctor the symptoms and what kind of formula you are mixing and what type of milk you are using. If you baby is on regular formula it is milk-based. If that is so then if he was lactose intolerant he would of showed signs of it with the  formula. So best to talk to your doctor for the correct answer.  

  3. No it means his system isn't used to the milk. Ask the doctor for the best solution. This isn't something a stranger should be answering.  

  4. Regular formula is milk based so lactose intolerance shouldn't be the issue.  It took about a month for my daughter to adapt to the taste of milk.  Maybe try to mix more formula than milk for a while and see how that goes?

  5. It definitely could be, but if he's on regular formula (not soy or lactose-free, etc) then it is a little odd that lactose in reg milk would affect him but not the lactose in formula.  I would definitely ask the doctor at his 12-month check-up and until then stop giving him milk, just the formula.  Have you given him cheese or other dairy foods before?  If those aren't making him sick, then maybe it's just something with the milk.  Don't worry it will work out okay, I know a couple toddlers who are completely allergic to milk, and they are still healthy kids.  And your son doesn't sound that bad, so be grateful!! :)  Good luck!

  6. It could be, but it could also be from mixing the two. I never mix the milks, I just give 2-4oz a day of milk to start out with. In this way you will know better if it is the milk or the mix of the two. Try the milk on its own.

  7. You might try switching him over to next step formula (for 9-24 months). His stomach may not be ready for cows milk yet. Try waiting a couple weeks and trying again.  

  8. Its probably from mixing formula and regular milk. That sounds pretty gross and its probably not agreeing with his stomach. Can you try just giving him a small amount of milk and seeing then?

  9. He would have to be on a special formula if he had a problem with lactose.  Try and split the milk with cold water.  If he throws that up, go to the doctor.

  10. wait a little longer then try whole milk if it still happens have the pediatrition take a look at him so she can guide you. good luck

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