
My 11 month old daughter can't stand the car, anyone else have that problem?

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She always got mad in the car, ever since she was 2 months old. She is not in there too much but not like she's never in it either. She will start screaming the second I put her in and will not stop until we get to where we are going, even if it is an hour away. My 2 boys loved the car and would always fall asleep in there. I wonder if ashe gets extreme car sick or what. Anyone else have this problem or had this problem. I am hoping she will outgrow it but she is almost 1 and is still like that. She used to not like the stroller at all either but in the past month she now enjoys walks in the stroller as long as they are short walks. She did not like sitting up for a wile but now she sits up and playes and there is no problem in that area any more. I just don't get it. Any suggestions are appreciated.




  1. I don't have this problem, since my son LOVES car rides -- but why not keep her occupied and distracted while you have to travel?

    Get her a toy, let her listen to baby music, sing to her, play with her, etc.. keep her mind off of it and maybe she'll come to enjoy it (or at least get used to it) like she did sitting.

    Good luck! <3

  2. If the car seat is rear facing, switch it.... if she is 20 or more pounds you are good to go.  

  3. my 7 month old does not like the car either and often cries the whole way until we get somewhere (unless he is really tired then he will fall asleep).  i have tried toys, a mirror, etc.

    I am just hoping that maybe he doesn't like to be rear-facing or something and maybe it will get better once he turns around.

    edit: oh one thing you can try, i bought some dr. suess books on CD from barnes & noble and play them in the car, it doesn't always work but SOMETIMES it helps him stop crying.  you could try that!

    edit again: i would NOT put a TV back there (at least right now).  the last thing you want is for her to get totally hooked on TV then maybe she will have fits once you take her out of the car because she wants to keep watching!  plus then she may never be able to ride in a car without a TV!  just my opinion, i wouldn't do it.

  4. My 10 month old daughter is the same way! It's horrible and i don't know what to do so if something works for you definitely let me know! I had to go to the airport last week and she cried the whole hour and a half and made herself sick. I wanna cry with her because i have no idea what else to try! She doesn't cry if i'm in the back with her but we have errands to do during the day and its just me and her. I bought her one of those books that reads to them when you push the buttons, it works sometimes during the day but if she's tired or just not in a good mood nothing works. If i give her a snack before i put her in her car seat she won't start screaming until it's gone lol she doesn't want another one though she just wants out! Hopefully they'll grow out of it i've never heard of any ones baby doing this i guess we're the lucky ones. Good luck!

  5. EXACTLY what Bubba Booey said!  My baby is also 7 months and it gets frustrating because I have tried everything...I thought babies were supposed to sleep in the car..not mine, but at a year when she can at least see the back of our heads maybe it will be better.

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