
My 11 month old doesn't like me????

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I'm the main caregiver. I'm his mom. But he barely ever wants to have anything to do with me? He loves daddy way more. He even cozies up to strangers more than he will me! Is this jus0t a stage? Has anyone else experienced this? HElp! It's almost making me depressed.




  1. Your children will LOVE you no matter what.

    It's fine, if you can't handle this though now, wait till they are teenagers and don't want anything to do with you at all ;)

  2. My 11 month old is like that with me too. I am home with him all day everyday, but when he sees my husband come home from work he gets so excited and only wants his Daddy. Maybe it's just a stage at this age?

  3. My daughter never liked me either, from the very day she was born.  She wanted me to put her down almost as fast as I picked her up.  I tried playing, and anything else I could do to make her feel differently about me, but nothing ever worked.  To this very day, and she is almost 26 years old now, she still doesn't like me very well.  

  4. I would say this is normal, especially when you are a stay at home mom.  I think its just that they get used to us mothers that are always with them.  We are there when they wake up..... play.... eat..... we put them down for naps..... down to bed.  And we also are the ones that have to do all those fun things.... like wrestle a diaper change..... suck out the bugers, give them the baths, and pick the crusties out of their eyes.  I am sure you baby LOVES you.... but he is just used to you.  I think they get to a point that we just aren't all the interesting.... they know that we will always be there.... and always are there.  Now your baby is just at a age when he wants to discover.... and see knew things..... and see how different people interact with you.  I guarntee your baby thinks the world of you..... but they also want to get to know other people.   I guarentee if you baby didn't get to see you for a while..... he would become VERY upset and miss you more then he would ever miss anyone else.  These are just phases.  It will pass..... and others will come.  Don't feel bad.... mommy.... baby loves you VERY much!

  5. yes, it will pass. No worries. I'm sure this is how dads feel when babies get that attachment to mommy. Your's is doing the opposite, nothing wrong with that. don't let it bother you.

  6. wow, thats amazing because mostly at the age he's at I would say he's at the peak of seperation anxiety.  Its just a stage, try mixing up your daily routine a bit to make the days a bit different and include fun things like hitting up the baby playground, swimming or the beach.

  7. babies go through phases of who they "like more" he will get over it and prefer you soon then switch back, dont worry

  8. oh hun your baby still likes you trust me.your momma.

    kids go through stages to where it seems like they perfer the other parent..reason he is being like this with you is because he is with you ALL the time..there fore daddy and strangers kind of excite them cause he doesnt see them as much or at all(strangers)

    It is just a phase, he;ll get over it and start to show you equal attention as he does his daddy...and in the mean time trust me as soon as he is sick or gets hurt he is going to want his mommy.

  9. Your son is probably so secure that he knows you will always be around.  Trust me, you are the most important person in his life.  Most kids scream when their mother walks out of the room, mainly due to insecurity......."what if she doesn't come back?"  You should be very proud that you have instilled security in your son.  Good job, Mom!

  10. It's just a phase. Calm down. Every other month my daughter likes daddy more than she likes me. But, when it comes down to it, when she is hurt she always comes to mommy. Your son will grow out of this phase and then eventually "like you more."

  11. Chill out.  Keep doing what you do.  In two months he'll be wrapped around your leg yelling your name.

  12. don't worry most babies will go to many people and that means they are outgoing and not going to going to be shy they just love other people and of course you

  13. Is there a reason he might not want to?  Like, are you stressed from being the primary caregiver?  Do you smoke?  There can be physical reasons a child doesn't warm up to a person.

    My 11 month old will go to everyone one day, and the next, he won't go to anyone but me.  Good luck!

  14. My son is the same way. I've been on his sh** list since he was 5 months old.  Same thing here, i'm his main caregiver, i pay constant attention to his needs, and i'm kind and gentle with him.....he still like daddy more.  He will cry if it's me thats getting him at night, he will cry if i get him in or out of the car, he cries when i want to tell him i love him and hug him(if daddys around).  It use to make me cry, and i still do, but i just trust that i'll be his fav. person someday.Just keep being good to him and he'll see someday.  

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