
My 11 month old kitten has 2 lumps on the side of her body????Could she be pregnant..

by  |  earlier

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She is a indoor kitten .... she has been outside once but under supervision... is she pregnant???




  1. When you say under supervision, do you mean you were looking at her all the time? If so, and if she has never gotten out apart from that, she can't be pregnant. But something tells me you haven't been as careful as you think you were, because cats are escape artists and they get pregnant very easily. That's why they must be spayed. So, my advice is, get her to a vet, to see if she is pregnant or has some other problem, and get her spayed as well, unless you want hundreds of cats in your hands.

  2. i would say no.

    TWO lumps usually mean something else

    . for example a tumor. im not saying that it

    has to be but you should take her to the vet.

    it could be pregnent. one way to tell is looking

    at her ****. if they are swollen she probably is

    pregnent. First keep it under supervision. if the

    lumps grow and become on its probably okay.

    but if they remain two take her to the vet.

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