
My 11 week old puppy had fall this morning what should i do?

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my 11 week old rottie puppy fell over this morning and now she limping on her left leg. I have tried all local vets and they are all closed and i don't drive so i can't travel too far, i have rang 6 out of hour vets and they have all said the same thing leave her till tomorrow morning and then take her to my local vets, but she can't move not even to go to the toilet, can any one give me some advice to make her more relaxed or can i give her something to help stop the pain, money is no object.




  1. If you can find a friend or even a neighbor to drive you the the animal Emergency Room you need to get them to. It probably isn't broken and is just a bad sprain of her leg but you need to get x-rays to be sure.  

  2. Pups are always falling over and hurting themselves. Its likely it will just be a torn muscle or a strain. Try and keep her still and let her rest her leg. Watch for any swelling - if so use cold compress etc in the same way you would do for a human sprain.

    Keep her quiet amd calm, maybe give her some comfort food - scrambled egg possibly and plenty of cuddles!

    It will get better - if you are still worried call vet tom

  3. If it were my dog I would take it to the vet today. I wouldn't let my dog suffer.

    There are emergency vets.

  4. Impossible/dangerous to diagnose online.  I don't know where you are but in the UK all vets are required to have emergency back up, even if they are not open to emergencies themselves.  (I always make sure there is a system in place with the vet I want to use, when I move to a new area).  If your Rottie is in pain, you surely can't leave her even overnight.  There simply has to be a vet you can contact?

    Having said that, in all probability this is only a sprain - puppies do usually bounce.  But if toileting is an issue, you can't leave this until tomorrow.  Good luck!

    Call her breeder for help?

  5. I can't make any diagnosis without seeing your dog sounds like she may have sprained her leg/foot.

    There's not really anything you can do except to try "icing" the leg/foot. Put some Ice on the affected area to help bring down the swelling and control pain.

    When you have the swelling under control you can take something warm (a hot water bottle works best) and put that on the affected area to help blood circulation in the leg/foot and to promote healing.

  6. my emergecny vet would not even look at my dog until we gave them £99.99, and that was just for them to look at her, if your dog is in alot of pain and you cant travel then you should call a vet to come out (it may cost alot more) the puppy may have broke/cracked a bone because there bones are very fragile. or if its not to bad wait until tomorrow and get him/her into the vets first thing. it may just be a sprain. You can't give your puppy anything to stop the pain, all you can do for he/her is put he/her on something comfortable and make sure he/she gets water, dogs and puppies can live without food for 3 days but needs water. but try him/her with food but if the puppy is in pain he/she wont want to eat. make sure you pick him/her up gently and bring outside and put on the grass for the loo. keep a close eye on him/her. make sure you keep any other animals away from him/her so that they cant jump on the bad leg xx

  7. You should stop her from walking around. Carry her around. Let her rest in her dog bed. Bring her to the vet as soon as you can.She need to be x-ray to check whether is there any fracture on her leg.

    I remember when my little Nina fell down, she also limp. And i bring her to the vet the following day, they gave her injection and antibiotics. She recovered within a week.

  8. Ok is she limping on it or can't she move at all?  It's hard to tell from what you wrote.

    Is it front or back?  If the back and she is mobile but limping you could support her when she needs to potty.

    I won't give her anything without consulting a vet due to her young age.  You could try 5 mins of heat/ice therapy as it couldn't hurt and might help.  Just put some very warm water in a hot water bottle (test it on yourself to ensure you won't burn her) and hold in place for 5 mins then wait 5 and put on an ice pack - wrap this in a towel to protect her skin from extreme cold.

    I'd call your regular vet and leave a voice mail if possible explaining you need to have her seen first thing in the am.  But if she gets worse you need to have her seen immediately by someone.

    Just a thought - our vet has an emergency number to call at the end of the message you get when you call after hrs.  

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