
My 11 week old slept 12 hours the other night!Will she do it again?

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She slept 12 hours straight the other night, then last night went back to her usual 7-4am 4.30am-7!




  1. It's impossible to predict. At 2 months old, my daughter had nights where she slept through for 9 hrs or so, and then nights where she only did 5... she's 4 months old, and nothing has changed. Each night is different. I am just thankful that the up 3-4 times a night is done.

  2. First you need to consult with her doctor. Because I don't think that is normal unless she is sick. Especially when dealing with a newborn, I would only asks questions like that with your doctor. Just due to he/she knows best..and if there is something wrong, you don't want it happening while she is sleeping. Remember until a good 4/5 years of age, your doctor is going to help you with basically everything. Please. do not ignore this or rely on what answers you get from here.

  3. haha.  it's hard to say.  i have a 12 week old whose sleep schedule changes weekly.  he will usually sleep from around 9 pm to 7 am but wakes up at least 1 time a night still.  sometimes he refuses to go to bed until later, or wants to fall asleep much earlier. . . and sometimes he wants to sleep late in the mornings!  so i think it's probably too early to hope that he will continue to sleep 12 hours . . . but it's possible!

  4. i am just happy that my breastfed 12 week old son sleeps 6-7 hour stretch. i cant imagine him sleeping 12 hours already. breastfed babies usually dont sleep as long since they usually nurse more often than a bottle fed baby.that is a good question though. i say at 11-12 weeks if baby is sleeping 8 or more hours consider yourself lucky.

  5. Maybe & maybe not.  My 7 month old just recently started to sleep through the night (8:00-6:00) and I'm not going to hold my breath.  Babies go through growth spurts and get hungry a lot when they go through these spurts.  Enjoy the sleep that you get when you do!  Good luck!

  6. I guess you can hope she does it again!  My 3-month-old son sleeps close to 12 hours on some nights, but usually it's more like 10.5, and he'll fuss for the last hour he's 'asleep'.  

  7. Eventually she will. Hope it's soon for your sake.

  8. my 13 week old baby sleeps 12 hours a night and has been doing for about 4 weeks now. I think each baby falls into their own little routine when they are ready.

  9. Mine did that too! I was amazed... she will do it again, but it will probably be sporatic. My 3 month old does it some night and then wakes up twice other nights... I think it has to do with growth spurts.

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