
My 11 year old brother's theory...?

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Ok he said that he had a theory that if everyone on earth put their freezers outside and opened them all at once, it would stop Global Warming. What would really happen? I'm sure he doesn't know a whole lot about Global Warming, and I don't either.




  1. haha tht sounds like fun but i doubt it work!

  2. it'd just waste energy.

  3. i really dont think so lol

    if anything we would go into a ice age lol

  4. ha ha ha! i think that if the solar systym wauz made out of bubble rap we could see pigs fly ha ha ha!

  5. that's impossible you wouldn't be able to stop global warming that way. Hey at least he comes up with his own ideas, that's some creative kid.

  6. Funny!

    It might make it subside for a bit but it would not fix it.  The problem is the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

  7. That's a very common question just in a different way than  most people ask it.  People think that they have such an effect on the world it's rediculous.  Kind of like the question if all the china people jumped up and down would it cause an Earthquake.  Just think of all the semi's in the U.S. that are causing billions of times more vibrations than those china people would cause and it does not cause an Earthquake...........Now think of all the thousands of miles of Ice that is in Antartica,  why does it not stop global warming.  It's a whole h**l of a lot more ice or coldness than any freezers man could build.  So I say no absolutely not.

  8. Erm....right....he's 11 he's not exactly going to know the way to top global warming forever how did he work that one out anyways...??

    ¿•?Rhiiannon.Babii?•¿ ♥

  9. No, it would not.  Global warming is not caused by the temperature, it is caused by certain particulates and gasses in the atmosphere that keep the heat trapped and prevent it from radiating back out into space.    It is the atmosphereic conditions that come into play here, that causes the temperature rise, not the other way around.

    Besides, the cold air inside the freezer was created by tranferring the heat from inside to outside the freezer; add to this the mechanical inefficiency of the process and the net result is the operation of the freezers would cause an overall net increase in the temperature, not a decrease.

  10. i dont think it would do much..because they are to small to make a big impact

  11. Actually that would contribute to the problem since freezers give off heat to keep the inside of them cold.  Tell your brother he is stupid.


    To the guy above me it is not a theory its a fact.

  12. no that isnt true. people make up lies like that because the ozone layer melts when there is cold air. so that is why people lie  and say that about freezers.

    it does sound cute though ;]

    thanks i hope i helped.

    plz vote me best answer.. it would mean the WORLD to me.

  13. I think that he is putting you on. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Think how much energy it would take to run enough refrigerators to cool down the Planet that much. The result would be a wash. Also think about all the pollution. Tell him nice try but back to the drawing board. Even if he used a renewable form of energy like solar. Think about how much energy it would take to build all those refrigerators.

  14. Thats cute :) Unfortunately, if you ever felt behind a freezer (or an air conditioner) you would notice that it is VERY hot. You require energy to lower the temperature of the food inside the freezer, and without going too deep into explaining how it works for freezers, in order to make the stuff inside very cold, something on the outside gets very hot (it sort of takes out the heat from whatever is inside). Now if i were to put a freezer in a box where no heat could escape, what would end up happening is that the freezer would be cooling the air, but at the same time the heat that it is taking out is being put back in the air (so really it isnt doing anything). Now if you took your freezers outside and opened them, the air would be cooled. . . but also heated up, so really nothing would happen (it would actually get warmer because if you leave your freezer open, you will notice that it doesnt cool very much after a while, but it gets VERY hot at the back)

  15. it would make global warming worse because having a freezer open outside on a hot day would cause them to use more energy to keep running.

  16. Depending on the temperature, the ice in the freezers would melt. Global warming is caused by green house gases in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide and methane and like some other gases. Thoses gases basically traps the sun's heat causing a rise in temperatures worldwide.

  17. He's 11, don't believe that nonsense. We'd all be looking stupid, having freezers in our front yard.

  18. no

    but whoever called u stupid should slap themselves

    ur kids

    n' ur actually showin an interest

  19. Lol,I don't think a breeze from a freezer would stop global warming but it a cute theory.. good thing his mind is working :) but basicly global warming is a THEORY that there is a hole in the atmshpere do to the fact that we polute and it's making the atmoshperes layers go thinner and thinner.. which would let more light and thus makes the Globe warmer.. But personally I don't think it's true.

    btw. the earth has actually went down a degree..,<<TO THE GUY BELOW the news.. and you would know.

  20. Wrong.  Freezers do not create cold.  They merely move the heat from inside the box to outside the box.

    Put your hand under the refrigerator and feel the warm air coming out into the room.  That's the heat that's taken out of the fridge and freezer and released outside.

  21. umm thats totally not true and you dont neccersairly need coldness for us to stop global warming you need to stop polluting by driving so much the engine smoke and factories burning coal fossill fuels

  22. ultimately freezers create more heat in their heat exchange units than they absorb in their compartments. Then there is the mahoosiv electricity drain they would create, which at this current time period would largely come from fossil fuels, which when burnt, warming

  23. i think it might work!

  24. Sounds like a good idea, but global warming is more like a progression over time that the Earth is getting warmer.  There is a very slight possibility that the overall tempurature on earth would decrease by a very small amount at the moment that the freezers opened, but it wouldn't make anything like a notable difference.  Sorry! :P

  25. lol thats an awsome theory but only problem is that by running all the freezers the energy it takes will contribute and probs cancel it out

    and also freezers dont really radiate that much, and only affect small areas.

    lol but i like ur bro

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