
My 11 year old down syndrome daughter is behaving aggressive and violent, need help.?

by  |  earlier

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I am finding it very difficult to cope with as I cannot take her out or have friends around. She has broken all ornaments in the house and potrays a violent attitude at times. I would appreciate any suggestions please as I am so very worn out.




  1. have her lobotomised

  2. Contact your Community Paediatrician who should have access to learning disability nurses who give great advice on these issues and support you.

  3. I bet u wanna rip peoples heads off when u hear them say 'Down syndrome people r always so happy and loving...' lol

    When we learned about understanding behaviour at my down syndrome society, they told us to always investigate the medical side of things, see if she has something wrong with her that is causing pain or discomfort that she doesn't understand and maybe can't find a way to communicate with u about her problem.

    So maybe try taking her to your doc to c if they can find anything wrong.

    I really feel for u and hope u can get to the bottom of it soon, as her behaviour must break your heart at times.

    Good luck :o)

  4. you should take her to the doctor this isnt fair on u and her it could be her body changing and this is difficult for a parent anyway . but u should also talk 2 ur doctor about any help u can get . it might help u 2 take her 4 a massage once a week u could even watch and learn 2 do it yourself . the thing is in these situations there is a lot of help out there but no one ever tells u this ring the disability help line and talk 2 them also ask tthem 2 send u a leaflet that tells u all the help u can get and what u r entitled 2

  5. Get in touch with the Down Sydrome Association, who will be able to give you expert advice

  6. I agree with one of the answers above.  She may be start ing puberty and even a "normal" teen can be a handful at the start.  Talk to your doctor and see if he can give you some advice.

  7. I am assuming you are in contact with social services?  you need some respite care.

  8. slap her spank her that will teach her;...

  9. this is a hard situation, i would have to say do something that calms her down...

    anything that makes her happy.. wheteher its watching a movie together or playing outside, and make her happy.

    i think she is acting like this because she is unhappy about something or uncomfortable about something.. but this would calm her down and feel relaxed more

    orr you could teach her how to behave correctly by rewarding her when she does something good. this links up with the first point i made above. when she does do something right, praise her and reward her with chocolate or food. and then im sure she will pick this up. but i dont know something that will IMMEDIATELY stop this violent behaviour

    but i really hope i help. i think u are doing a great job : )

    good luck


  10. i could be wrong but is it possible that puberty could be setting in with her and she doesn't  know what is wrong with her you need to see your gp and see if he will get you some help or maybe get her in to somewhere you both can have some respite for a while  

  11. have you contacted the down syndrome education trust as can  find lots of help through them hun  ... my son is 4 and can be very  aggressive  at times  unfortunatley no one everbelievess it till its directed in there direction .. and yes its a very hard thing to deal with   your best helped by a mum or dad Sib'ss that have bin in this situation .... my son has very bad hearing and dose get verfrustrateded   but its no compensationon to them that get bit or things thrown at them

  12. hmmm this is defineely NOT NORMAl. take her to a shrink. or physoatrist! its better in the future! becuz she could hurt some one!

  13. wow id be pissed you need to get tuff!

    next time you yell at her and if she runs to her room and closes the door then take the door off its hinges

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