
My 11 year old sis wants to date?!?

by Guest31673  |  earlier

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IS she old enough I know peeps in my grade did but not my little sis?!




  1. well sure why not

  2. NO! no 11 year old is mature enough she'll most likely end up pregnant

  3. well i guess but i mean your 11

    i mean what are you going to do at 11 you cant drive

    you can talk on the phone and shes too young to go on nice dinners

    ask her if she dated what would yall even do

  4. well, i would say not a "real" date...maybe have the guy over for a movie, or maybe some board games....stuff like that

  5. i think she is old enough to date as long as it is a group date

  6. kids WANT alot of things that doesnt mean they have to get their way and if you let an 11  year old "date" youre asking for trouble

  7. i dont think she should.......

    i think she only wants to because her friends do...but if you teach her  not to be a follower people will respect her later.

    you should meet who she wants to date, and then decide if you will allow her to date or not.

    but i personally think that an 11 year old can decide if she is mature enough or not.

    good luck;)

  8. No way.  Didn't you hear about the 10 year old girl that just had a baby.  Your sister will have plenty of time to date.  If she starts dating this soon, she'll be having s*x soon and who wants their kid sister having s*x at 13?  I know I wouldn't.

  9. i dont think so. shes too young and doesnt kno what a "real" relationship is. besides yu dont want her to be doing things older people do.

  10. Many people do in that age, but what you have to understand, is that its not dating as you would think.

    I lived through this.

    Probably the most "action" she will get from her "boyfriend" is a hug. Many people in our grade said they were going out with someone, but all you'd do was be nicer to them, hug them, blow kisses, and sit next to them at lunch.

    Plus, she is your sister, and your NOT her mother. If your mom doesn't want her too, then she shouldn't. Remember, its your mother's job to raise her, and choose what she does, not you.

    Good luck! -Emz

  11. i wuld let her

    y not?

    i mean rele my 11 year old has a bf

    i wish i had one wen i was 11

  12. yea sorry but its not really up to you who she can date i know your just trying to do the right thing but she will just get mad at you if you try to stop her.

  13. i think it is OK if they are supervised my newphew is and all they really do is talk an the phone and computer they should be watched if they go any where

  14. Definentaly not. She should wait until she is in high school. What are 11 year olds going to do? They can't go anywhere, most stores and theaters require you to be atleast 12 or 13 to enter alone. What, are their parents going to come and stand 3 feet behind them while they walk and hold hands? She can't drive, so how are they going to get somewhere? Ride a bicycle?

    The only thinkg availible for her is to hold hands with a guy in the hallway, but that is not much of a relasionship.

    I strongly suggest her waiting until she is 13 or 14. Some parents even make their children wait until there 16.

  15. Just to the movies with friends then yes but if its just them at a resturant then no

  16. what is this world coming to?! lol  yea, itd be weird to see ur lil sis have a bf. i say no

  17. kids started dating in 4th grade for me so i think its ok.

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