
My 11 year old sister still sits in time out?

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My parents still make my 11 year old sister sit in time out? She dosen't really care too much because they do that to her at her after school daycare thingy. I think it's weird you agree?




  1. If sitting in time out hasn't helped in all these years,

    then it's time for her not to be able to sit when she disobeys...

    time for a spankin and no she's not too old for that!

  2. Wow thats so weird, and being in daycare. O_O

    I started doing grounded thingy when I was only 8

  3. well my kids are 11 and 9 and i still have to put them in time out from time to time. its better than beating their behinds. Instead they have to sit for at least 5-10 mintues while i collect myself and calm down enough to deal with whatever issure they are having. But if it still work with your sister than why change it. Let your parents do the parenting.

  4. Yeah, it is. My parents stopped doing that to me when I was 6 or 7.  

  5. Yeah. She should be old enough to know right from wrong. My kids are 6 and 8 and I don't do time out anymore. That is usually used to teach kids in the beginning that there is a problem with their behavior. I would think you would have to use a different method of discipline.  

  6. sitting someone on time out at the age of 11 is kind of silly, no offense. at this age, of course time outs arent going to work. its time to start taking away privileges or giving harsher punishments.

  7. I'm sure your parents know what they are doing.  I choose to use time-outs for my 2yr old and my 5yr old, but my 7 and 11 yr olds get grounded from activites or get sent to bed early.  As a parent, you know what works for your child and what doesn't.

  8. Yeah, it's weird.  I agree with the person who said grounding or taking away privileges is more appropriate.  And daycare at 11 is also strange.  She's not 6, geez.

  9. that is strange she should be getting groundings

  10. yea i do and does an 11 y.o really need to go to daycare?? seems old enough to stay home alone for a little bit!

  11. My mom put me in timeout up until I was 13. Its not weird its more of a warning. As in "if you do it again your grounded"  

  12. No I don't find it "weird" at all.  No effective discipline is ever weird.  

  13. its stupid is what it is

  14. yea at this age punishment should be grounding or taking away privileges

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