
My 11 year old son is a master manipulator,lair and theft. do anybody know of any programs that may help him?

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My 11 year old son is a master manipulator,lair and theft. do anybody know of any programs that may help him?





  2. Look for a young marines program in your area. You could also get involved in some church activities. Maybe some positive peer pressure would be good for him.

    Good luck!

  3. kids are easily tricked into being good if you know what to do.  The best thing that worked for me was if my son did something bad, make him write a sentence relating to what he did over and over for 10 pages.  If he doesn't  do it, spank him or take his stuff away.  Trust me, the first time he has to write 10 pages of sentences he won't want to do that again.

  4. self disiplence sports, karate or tai won doe! they teach respect, self control, and the difference between right and worng behavoir.

  5. put him in Boy Scouts. On the other hand, Boy Scouts is pretty much just lying manipulating stealing and cursing.

  6. see if you can get him a tour of the local prison or jail. Maybe a few non-violent criminals could tell him why they ended up in jail. Maybe they would even put him in cuffs and an empty cell to really make an impact on him.

    When I was in high school they had a few convicts from the local jail come to talk to us in one of our classes. I remember one very nice looking man telling us that he was in jail for involuntary manslaughter...he killed someone while drinking and driving. He was very sorry for what he did and basically accepted that he was losing years of his life (in jail) but his victim had no chance of parole (they died). all of the men told us what they did, what sentance they got, and what they wanted us to learn from THIER mistake. I think it was part of thier sentance or rehabilitation.

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