
My 11 yr old dog has an eyelid tumor that popped.?

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I have an 11yr old black lab springer spaniel. We have noticed a tumor like thing on his eye. I brought he to the vet about two weeks ago and the vet wants to remove it. He did give us some ointment to but in his eye but, now this tumor thing appears to have popped. What do I do??? Should I take him in to get re-evaulated?? I do have a call into the vet because this morning it was bigger then what it has been.




  1. wow this is something new lots of dogs get cancer at that age  

  2. bring him back to the vet cuz if its cancer it could spared or it could just be a really bad sty  those r basically the best and worst possibility's

  3. Clean it with hydrogen peroxide until you can get a call back from the vet. It's hard to tell, without seeing it. But after it popped it may have gotten some infection or the swelling may just have increased due to the popping and maybe your dog rubbing it on something.

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