
My 11yr old maltese peed in the house and on me 3 times in a few hours?

by Guest67128  |  earlier

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I'm not quite sure what to make of this, he never did anything like this before. He just froze still and peed on the carpet. Then about an hour later, he was next to me on the couch, and did the same thing, stood still and peed on the couch! Then the third time, about 45 min later, he started to shake and came up on my chest and peed on me! I'm not sure what to do- Any Suggestions?




  1. Turn off your computer and run to the nearest vet...your dog sounds like it is having seizures...

    it is older and possibliy an ailment is about to manifest itself at this time...

    a vet is the only answer I would accept...good luck

  2. I like the personality of a maltese. They are so sweet.

  3. I agree with those that answered before me.  It sounds like a UTI.  But really you should take the dog to the vet so he can be checked out.  

  4. Sounds like he has some medical issue.  Urinary tract infection, bladder infection/stones.  In any case, it's time for a visit to the vet.

  5. This is weird, but sometimes when animals are sick they do things out of the ordinary like that to try to tell you there may be a problem.  Just the fact he peed so much in a short time may say  infection, or something wrong..Are there any symptoms like fever, swelling, eating or drinking abnormally little or to much water intake..He is older I would take him in for a checkup and talk to your vet or at least call a vet and ask..this is not normal behavior and the fact that he shook makes me wonder if he has a temperature.. Good luck

  6. time for a visit to the veterinarian. this unusual behavior signals a physical problem (like a urinary tract infection) that needs to be dealt with sooner rather than later.


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