
My 12 month old daughter has issues with the word 'no' and the meaning of 'be nice' any suggestions?

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She does not listen to anything that she does not feel like listening to. She has been hitting myself and her older brother with whatever she has in her hand at that moment.

any advice would be greatly appreciated! I never had to deal with this with my son!




  1. i appreciate wid the 1st post.

    it is good way :)

  2. Spank her  

  3. your child is always listening.  she is still learning the meanings of the words, so be patient.  use the word NO less often and spend some time actually listening to your child.

  4. This sounds like a girl I had in my daycare.

    If you believe in spanking, I'd do it. Don't beat her, just let her know that hitting you is unacceptable. Spanking is very touchy and you need to explain calmly why she is receiving this spanking, even if she doesn't understand. Then hug her and let her know you still love her afterwards. Time outs when she disobeys. You may want to check out books on toddler behavior at the library or a book store. You may even want to consult your pediatrician. They may have some advice.

  5. im just hear to get the same answers you son just turned 12 months and hes doing the SAME thing..

    hes also learned to she into that phase yet??

  6. When cuddling her and being happy, try rubbing her hand gently on your face and repeating "nice" and smiling. I did this for about three months with my little guy (now 14 months) to get him to pet my dogs and cats gently, now he's getting the hang of it. He's also understanding "nice" and "be nice".

    Any reaction from you can be entertaining to her.

    My little one went through 2 weeks of bad hitting. Each time I'd grab his hitting arm and hold it down saying "NO!" or "You be a nice boy" or "be nice", it didn't work to well. Finally I go so fed up that I mustered up a voice that sounded like a deep voiced giant, I bellowed his name and NOOOOO! Then I sat him in the middle of the floor on his bum and I didn't pick him up again until he stopped crying. He's not really hit since.

    Since then I've sadly discovered that if I upset him when I correct him he learns much quicker.

    Now when I say no, for whatever reason, he stops and looks at me. Sometimes he still does it, but hey, he's only 14 months old right? At least I know that he's thinking about it. Though, if I get up and say no again he stops in his tracks.

    Good Luck! You'll get there.

  7. She, like all children, need and want attention. Try redirecting her actions. For simple misbehavior, simple redirction to another activity, and then actually do that activity with her. She will appreciate the attention she gets, and over time you can mold her behavior to be more appropriate.

    As for the hitting, first try redirection, as mentioned; but if that is ineffective, then you can try discipline. At 12 months, excessive discipline would be lost on her (no developed concept of cause and effect yet). However, time-out would be acceptable. I've found one-minute of time-out per age in years effective, and often double that for repeat offenses.

    I would caution against spanking. While a useful method of discipline, if you hit her for hitting, what message do you send? Nevertheless, if she is completely defiant, it too may be necessary, just don't choose to do it lightly, and never use corporal punishment while angry yourself.

    All-in-all, she is becoming a toddler. This is the first phase where she tests her boundrys and becomes her own little person, the "terrible two's" are a trial. She will test the limits and you are the one being tried, but be patient. This will pass and you will have about a decade of wonderful years before the Terrible Teens. :)

    Cheers and good luck!

  8. She's too young to understand concepts like time out and cause and effect. Every time she hits simply hold her hand away and say "no", then demonstrate gentle holding or stroking. Then redirect her to another activity. All that spanking or slapping will teach her is that hitting is acceptable. If you can do it why can't she?

  9. I am going to guess she is a blond one, We had the same problem with out little sister.

    We had to end up slapping her hand every time she reached for stuff she wasn't supposed to touch or if she would throw something we would slap her hand enough to make her jump back and realize it was bad to do those things.

    Its going to be hard when she hits her terrible twos so you want to watch out and get a hold of her now :)

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