
My 12 month old son has a rash....

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About 2 weeks ago he had his 12 month shots. A couple days after that, we noticed a bug bite on his leg that was getting really swollen. We took him to the ER last and it turned out to be cellulitis. So, the dr put him on amoxicillin and another antibiotic (can't remember the name.) He was on those meds. for a week and all of a sudden we noticed a rash break out all over his body. We took him back to the ER and all they said was to stop giving him the meds. and come back if it gets worse. He has had the rash now for 3 days, no fever. Oh yeah, he also got thrush from being on the meds.We are giving him nystatin for it. Can this cause the rash also? What should I do? I can't take him to a dr because we have military ins. and are in the process of switching it over. Should we bring him back to the ER?




  1. Definately take him back to the ER, and make sure they check him out properly and consider all possible diagnosis. Don't leave it as you could regret it. It could be an allergy to certain substances. Good luck

    Also does the rash cause him any discomfort (itching or stinging). And is it widely spread and continuous or blotchy and smaller etc?

  2. Call Tri-Care and see what you could do, The military ER DR's are idiots a lot of times. What do you mean you are switching over? Are you just switching bases? If that is the case, go to the hospital and there should be a desk that has all of the capabilities of Tri-Care and they should be able to help you. Your son really needs to see a pediatrician because obviously whatever they are doing isn't working. Good Luck!

    EDIT: whoever told you that it could take weeks lied to you. Tricare from my experience is extremely un-organized and doesn't have many knowledgable people on it's staff. You sometimes have to call back 3 or 4 times to get a correct answer. The easiest and fastest way to get your son signed on is to go to the hospital and go to the information desk. They have people right there can get you signed up at that moment. It took me 30 min's to get medical after POST. After you sign him up, headon over to family practice area and go to the desk and ask to speak to a nurse, they will give you a form to fill out, you fill it out and wait. A nurse will come out and talk to you and help you out.

    Make sure your husband signed you guys up in the DEERS program, if he didn't that could be what the delay is. If you ever need any help, just e-mail me.


    take him back to his doctor.

  4. when i was a baby the same thing happened to me  it turned out to be a allergic reaction to amoxicillin.

    i would keep him off all med for 2 days and put some baby powder on the rash and if it dont heal it might me something els.

    if u have a dog, car, bird in ur house i would look into that to ]

    hope this helped  

  5. Yes, take him to the ER until the problem goes away.  

  6. Personally ,  I  would  take  him  to  a  doctor  anyway.  You  get  quality  care  and  treatment  from  a  doctor  than  an  ER.

  7. I would take him to his pediatrician. Only because they are more into handling children. My daughter had Roseola (sp). They gave her antibiotics BEFORE the roseola was present. When I took her to the night time doctors, they told me to stop giving the antibiotics and give her benadryl. I didn't give her the antibiotics but I didn't give her anything else. Good thing I didn't because she didn't have an allergic reaction to the antibiotics. She had roseola. I would check it out online as well. If he doesn't have a fever I wouldn't worry about it. Take him to his pediatric doctor. Or a Pediatric doctor.

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