
My 12 pound dog ate a chocolate bar?

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should he be okay or should i take him to the vets?




  1. Call the vet RIGHT AWAY  before it's too late.....better to be safe than very sorry  

  2. how much of the chocolate bar ? the whole thing ?

    i would call a vet to make sure, find out the signs you're supposed to be looking for. but then again, it could be too late then.

    my dog has eaten chocolate before, it was'nt much, and she was fine.

    So, a little bit isnt bad, but a whole bunch is bad.

  3. I would take your dog to the vet just in case to be safe because chocolate is not good for dogs at all. Especially if your dog is only 12 lbs.

  4. VET ASAP.

    That is not okay, especially since he is only 12 pounds. Ingredients in chocolate are toxic to a dog's system. This is not about taking him to the vet tomorrow, it's about NOW.

  5. dog shouldnt eat chocolate period. its a deadly health threat.

    theyre intestines arent like ours. it cant break down the same as ours.

    see a vet asap

  6. Your dog needs to throw up right away because of its' size.

    Give it a  half teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide.

    If it doesn't throw up in 10 minutes , give it another half teaspoon.

    This should be happening in the car while someone is driving you to the emergency vet clinic.


  7. it takes 1 lb of chocolate to kill a 50 lb dog. so when you brake it down by weight, a 12 lb dog could be harmed by just 4 oz. call the vet or animal hospital now.  

  8. YOu need to CALL the vet first. No need to rush him in unless he is acting strange; vomitting, acting lethargic, etc. Some dogs are able to pass the chocolate unscathed, and others will indeed die from the toxins. Call the vet right NOW and ask them what to do. They will let you know if the dog should come in to be detoxified or if you just need to monitor the little guy.

    Its a lesson in keeping stuff put away, isn't it? Same thing happened to me! No more chocolate for Fido, k?  

  9. vet asap.

    chocolate is more toxic to smaller dogs.

    my uncles 98 lbs dog ate half a choco bar,

    and died at the vet, because it was too late.

    he didnt find out until an hour later when he got back from work.

    you could be at the vets right now.

    hurry go 100 mph if you want to make sure your pups okay!!

  10. take him to the vet

  11. He should be fine, especially if it's not dark chocolate.

    My dogs (mostly small) have gotten hold of a fair amount of chocolate over the years.  One small dog ate my whole chocolate Easter bunny when I was a child.  She had no appetite for dinner afterwards.

    Dogs often throw up chocolate, but not always.  It tends to upset the stomach.

  12. Probably milk chocolate and not to worry.  

  13. he should be fine if it wasn't dark chocolate then take your dog to the vet immediately

  14. This is quoted from a dog medical book

    "Chocolate is a tasty toxin. It contains a compound called theobromine, which, like caffeine, is dangerous to dogs and cats when eaten in large quantities, says Mary Labato, D.M.V., clinical assistant professor at Tufts University of Veterinary Medicine in North Grafton, Mass.

    Baking chocolate, with nearly nine times more theobromine than regular milk chocolate, is particularly dangerous, but either can cause problems, she warns.

    Don't panic, however, just because your pet sneaks a munch of your chocolate bar. A toxic dose of theobromine for a 20lb dog is about 1000 milligrams-the amount found in 28 ounces of baking chocolate.  If you are not sure how much he ate, call your vet for advice."

  15. umm not to sure on this one i had a dalmation that ate an entire box of chistmas chocolate candies (candies plastic and box) call your local vet.

  16. Take him to the vet immediately. This is way too much chocolate for a little dog to deal with. This is a toxic dose. Go NOW!

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