
My 12 week old african grey is constantly eating. she has healthy food but she doesn't stop, is this normal

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My 12 week old african grey is constantly eating. she has healthy food but she doesn't stop, is this normal




  1. if she eats to fast you need to slow her down take some dry dog food and put it in her bowl but do not set it down yet give her pieces of the food but one at a time in between giving her the pieces count a couple seconds before giving it to her

  2. it maybe that she never ate something good as wat ur giving her or she didnt eat much before.

  3. Birds ahve a high matabolism and are constantly snacking.  My birds will often play for a few minutes then eat, play then eat, and nap then eat.  Because of their matabolism they have to eat basically all the time and most birds take little naps during the day as well.  As long as she is maintaining weight, and acting herself it's absolutely normal.

  4. Yup, thats what birds do.. Whover coined the term "eats like a bird" must have been talking about  a pig. It is common for birds to eat twice their weight in food per day, they also p**p a lot.  If your bird continues to eat and starts to loose weight, then you may want to consult a vet, he/she may have medical issues such as kidney failure, but dont worry unless he/she looses weight.

    Do not give your parrot dog food! I think Leed thinks you have a greyhound dog, not an african grey parrot! LOL!

  5. Does she have other things to do in her cage aside eat? They need enrichment in their environment or they will become so bored that all they do is eat.

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