
My 12 week old baby keeps sneezing and coughing

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I have a 12 week old daughter and since she was about 2 or 3 weeks old she has sneezed quite a bit and recently she has started coughing quite a lot its a dry cough no mucus or anything. I was just wondering if anyone knows if this could an allergy to her formula milk, i spoke to my doc a few weeks ago but he didn't really seem that interested.




  1. do you smoke, have animals, live in a dusty place, have plush toys around? All of this could be a problem. Get a new Dr this could be nothing or it could be in much need of attention!!!!

  2. normal......our little boy is 13 weeks old and does the same....babies are particularly sensitive to light and dust particles so anything like that will make them sneeze/cough.......if the coughing continues though I'd have that checked just to make sure there is no chest infection etc.......but the sneezing is very normal

  3. i have baby like yours.sneeze all the time.maybe her nose too sensitive to dust.

  4. it could be caused by dust particles in the home, or if you live in the country it could be caused by the pollen in the air, pollen counts are usually higher this time of year ans especially in the country

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