
My 12 year old girl is out of control?

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most of the time she wont do as she told she steals money from my purse backtalks me at school she is fine but on time she was talking about have bipolar but i dont think so i mean what should i do with her




  1. This is not your daughters fault it is yours do you pay attention to her,do you spoil her (don't spoil her), do you ever tell her no, do you take things away from her like TV or cell phone or her computer if shes acting like that because your not paying attention to her enough then pay more attention take at least an hour a day to try and talk with her, if shes acting up because you spoil her stop spoiling her don't get her anything at all besides food and water (no soda), if she is just acting out for no reason (teen rebellion) then just take everything away no tv cell phone or computer discipline your child! if you dont she is going to get pregnant so many girls even at that age are having s*x right now and are getting pregnant or diseases if shes stealing from you she is probably stealing from kids at school or teachers or shes bullying kids sit her down and talk to her I'm 14 and once was 12 i understand what it is like its confusing ac ward scary and your tempted to do things that you know your not suppose to do I know when I was her age I was always so confused on why no one ever asked me out when all of my friends had boyfriends even tho thy just jumped from one guy to the next and it was stupid I was like I don't want to be like that anyway back to your daughter is she doing well in school ask her teachers how she acts ask them who she hangs out with if it is responsible nice children or bad kids who get her into trouble and bully other kids? sit your daughter down and don't let her leave sit there and talk to her say honey I'm scared I don't know what to do you seem to be acting out, stealing from me and its just not right if you keep on I'm going to have to take some serious measures I know eight now your at and ac ward scary confusing stage in your life and I know you may think I don't understand but I do I was 12 once you know you have to see what your doing your hurting me and your self and I don't like it this is going to stop now I'm not trying to control you but you have to deal with this and so do I I love you and I know you love me now matter how many times you say you don't I know you do I'm am going to start disciplining you if you do not listen to me I only set rules because I don't want anything to happen to you I love you so much please just stop this madness your not bipolar don't say you are if you really think so strongly that you are then we will take you to the doctor and sort these things out remember I'm always here to talk to I'm your mother and I'm doing everything I can for you I want you to have the perfect life but it just dose not happen that way I want to help you but you have to tell me how do I not spend enough time with you, am I spoiling you, are you to hiped up on sugar, tell me please I just love you so much. then let her speak. I really hope this helps now in the mean time hide your purse and then talk to her.

    Also make sure she knows that its not cool to do those things that she dose even if her friends say it is cause if they are she shouldnt be hanging out with thos kids.

  2. take her to a psychiatrist. she could be bipolar.

  3. Did you ever hear of a spanking?

  4. If you think she might be bipolar, you need to go see a psychiatrist.  If she is bipolar, it can be cured with medicine.  If she is NOT bipolar or is and still acts out, you need to ground her.  As for the stealing from your purse, well I have personal experiance with that.  I used to steal from my dad (I was about 12 or 13)   and then he started giving me an allowance.  I didnt have to do any chores, just could not back talk or be obnoxious and I got 10 bucks a week.  Plus he paid me for any chores i did such as mowing the lawn. Now I am not sure if this will work for you because it is your daughter maybe she is doing it for different reasons than I did.  In fact, now that i think of it, my younger sister started to act out (she is 11)  and my step mom got her to start behaving better by bonding with her.  They get their nails done, and watch movies. Hope that helps

  5. As you already know, being a 12 year old girl is one of the hardest things in the world.  You're thinking, "well, I'm almost a teenager so my parents can't tell me what to do."  Peer pressure is hard and so is puberty.  Talk to her.  Find out what's bothering her.  And don't ignore the bipolar thing.  Take her to a doctor just to make sure.

  6. a lot of children these days are out of control, this doesnt mean that your  bad mother because this shows you are a good mother :). You really have to put you foot down and do what you think is right to stop her from this behavior. i am i teenager so you might not listen to me, but shouting and telling her what to do is a bad idea, try and say things nice and calm but dont let her get away with stealing you money! tell her to atleast ask! which you would already know lol. sorry if it doesnt help!!! X

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