My oldest neice is 12 ys old and I love her to bits but she's always wanting to be at my flat which I share with 3 other people. I only recently found out why when she was on the phone talking. These are her exact words:
"Yeah, I'm at my Aunty Casey's.....What? No I like it here, she's let me stay here forever if I wanted. No seriously, she'll do anything I say and if she doesn't one of her stupid flat mates will do it for me.....I'm serious, she's softer than dad and mum. She's the stupid on in the family. She's an artist and she can't spell....look I've got to go."
She was laughing the whole time she was talking to her friend. My brother is getting annoyed because I've had to ask him twice for the money she's racked up on the phone bill. I'm dyslexic and she was making jokes about it over the phone when everyone could here. I don't let her walk all over me but I am less strict than her parents.