
My 12 year old son has extreme body oder?

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He showers two or three times a day and uses deodorant constantly, but he has an oder to him. His paternal grandmother was like this as well. Are there medical conditions that can cause this? What would be the absolute strongest deoderant that he could use?




  1. i used to have pretty bad sweathing problems and smelld bad after so i use axe essence  wet deoderant then wait 5 mins use dry essence then  spray him down with axe essence body spray thats what i do and i seem normal DoNt I?/??  :\    lol seriousely though

  2. The food they eat can have an effect on this.  Try scented soap perhaps and speed stick - use cologne on him if you have to.

  3. Start spraying his clothes with some extra strength cologne.


  4. Some people just naturally smell worse than others(genetics). You obviously know how to cover a smell, deodorant, cologne. Anti perspirant may work but the aluminum in it is not good for your body( can increase risk for Alzheimer's). The smell comes from the bacteria eating the sweat, not the actual sweat. Some certain ethnicity's have more distinct smells, so it could possibly be a diet thing as well.

  5. Get him to drink lots of water regularly. Sounds like his sweat is quite concentrated. Water may help to dilute it a little when he sweats, therefore cutting down on the odour a bit.

    But I do recommend going to see a doctor too. There may actually be something wrong, that is causing this.

  6. Marijuana. Hot-box your car or the bathroom when he's present before you go out with him anywhere. Marijuana has a very distinct smell, very strong, an lingers on clothing for sometime. Hey, whats worse, how he smells now, or Marijuana... think about it.

  7. Well you should go to the doctor and ask him why does he have body oder. he could be playing outside too much and sweat that can cause body oder too. try buying him some body sprays scented soap. and any deodorant works fine. and ask your doctors is the medicine he is taking causing this.

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