
My 12 year old son was brought home @ 5am by the cops!! any advice?

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he stayed the night with a friend they couldnt sleep so they rode around on there bikes untill the cops picked them up.




  1. What was he doing?  How come you did not know he was out all night?

    I am sorry I do not give you answers but it seems that you need to put some limits in your house.  Both you and your child have serious problems.

  2. I really don't know if I can help, I have a 2 year old son.  My suggestion would be 1. sit down and talk to him, find out what was on his mind and what was his intentions for being out so late in the first place.  2. Hard love!  Take away anything he loves most (tv, video games, phone, and friend privileges.)  Don't give them back until they are earned.  3. And this might be the hardest for you, but get your son active in a group, or community program.  If your busy, the big brother big sister program.  If you have time volunteer with your son after school.  My advice is MAKE TIME, he is crying out and needs positive re-enforcements.  He's probably not a bad kid, just bord!

  3. Next time YOU go pick him up.

  4. Lock him in his room until he's 18?

  5. Why would he be out?

    You need to sit and talk with him.

    Take away many privileges.

    Check on him constantly.

  6. Figure out why he was out. Ground him to his room with nothing but a blanket on the floor for 2 weeks, and don't let him leave the house without you for 6 months. Did you not know that he was gone?

  7. yeah he is a yob shoot him

  8. Set firm boundaries. No going out at night without you. At All. Also, if you have to apply for a scholarship to a private school put him in a private school, preferably one with religious stance to help him learn respect. Tell him you love him and you want the best for him and that you want him to be a good productive person - that means going to school and or learning so he can choose the field he wants to go into and help society with who he is. If you have to lock him in or constantly check on him do so, take away all forms of communication to other kids his age, get to know who his friends are, prohibit the ones that are bad. You supply his home and food, he has to listen to you to receive it or he will be punished, i.e. lack of freedom- no computer, no phone, no television. Make him sit in front of you while you are cooking etc, and read a book about being productive. Make sure you give a lot of love and attention as much as you can. This is a symbol that there needs to be more attention and discipline. It is important so he doesn't end up with the wrong friends, using drugs, in juvenile hall and worse later on, and hurt. Direct him in a positive way. Good wishes to you

  9. Hopefully that taught him a lesson but regardless he needs privileges taken away until he earns them back I wish you the best.

  10. why in the world would a 12 year old be out all night till 5am, without you being aware of it? do you check on him before you go to bed? i suggest you set a bed time like at 10 and take him down for a little trip to the juvenile center to show him where he is going to end up if he keeps acting out

  11. What was your son doing out that late anyways??  Did you know where he was and what he was doing??

  12. Duhhhhhhhh.Be more selective about his friends and their parents.

  13. I cant answer this don't give any details...what was he doing?  Where did you think he was?  What was his reaction when you answered the door?  What you said to him at the time?  Without this i can't answer properly but im 16 and female, been there done that and am still there!  Post the question again with more details and i could probably help you understand why he did it and what you should do...what my parents didn't do.

    Hope you re-post the question.


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