
My 12 yr old daughter has been caught at school three times kissing boys. what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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She is lying, stealing lil things. It's out of control. I take everything away. I have talked with her I have no idea what to do?




  1. online school

  2. Does she spend time around any adults except you? It sounds like she's angry about something she doesn't have control over, and she's expressing it by acting out at school. If I were you, I would hold off on punishment for a while, and try to figure out what the root cause of all this is.

  3. i used to outta control as a little girl except i didn't kiss boys at school etc I'm still young but from experience my mom sent me to get help i went to  juvenile treatment centers it never worked because i kept getting out of control. just leaving the house, running away, etc my mom talked to me but i didn't listen finally what helped was me being stripped from everything i was sent to boot camp for 8 months to discipline me and it actually worked. I wasn't allowed to do anything our privileges were stripped from us........maybe try a 24 hour boot camp or a 30 day on to teach her a lesson. she will learn i did i listened to my mom and i changed i became a whole new person I was also 12 when everything started  kept getting worst by the years...see who she hangs out with also because their is bad crowds and might pressure her into things or teach her new things i knew about s*x at before 11 because of the people i hung out with.

      I am now 19 and very successful thanks to the boot camp that made me turn my life around. I am a medical assistant and a insurance agent....

  4. Something is wrong. She should get some kind of counseling as soon as possible. It seems to me she is crying out for attention. I'm not saying you're at fault. She may have been abused without your knowledge. She may just feel a desperate need to be loved. Don't take it personally, just get her some help. Good luck and God bless.

  5. I'm 13 myself, and I would think that it's ok she's kissing boys but maybe if it goes out of hand to s*x, then you should talk to her about the dangers if she doesn't know. 12 year olds lie a lot, I lie too, You really have to deal out a plan with your daughter. If you keep taking her stuff it's not going to help. she's only going to get madder and steal. Talk to her and set out a good plan, so that you ca buy her stuff so that she doesn't steal as much and teach her self-discipline.

  6. Well, kissing boys is not bad, she should not get in trouble for that, as for lying and stealing, you need to inform her (firmly) that she can not do these things, and that she will be grounded (or whatever punishment you choose), if she does it again.If she keeps doing it, I suggest you get a counselor for her. Best of luck!!

  7. u should just start whooping her and/or putting her on punishment

  8. prey. have the s*x talk. all of it. visual aids. especially of std's might help. and some statistic papers bout pregnancy, rape, aids, youre probably just going to have to scare her.

  9. Kissing is no big deal, but maybe you should speak to your daughter about sexually transmitted diseases, it will be good for her in the long run. Maybe you need to lighten up a bit, it may be in rebelion to your authority. She is just a kid, allow her to have some things, but if you catch her, or are informed by an adult she is acting up, take away something that really matters to her, tell her why you are doing it and tell her how long the punishment will last. Be strict at first, but then aproach her and calmly have a conversation in a calm situation, make her a favorite dish, or pop in a dvd and speak with her, but NEVER lift the punishment. You are never too old, or young for tough love.

  10. call dr. phil. his dumba$$ would know what to do!!!!   other than that, sorry about your daughter and i hope i never go through that with my daughter. good luck

  11. well i am the same age as her and i dont go to school to get boys i go to learn but anyway  tell her if she does  it again tell her that she cant go out with her friends

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