
My 12 yr old daughter has head lice???

by Guest59063  |  earlier

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My 12yr old daughter has suffered with head lice for 2yrs on and off. Have tried lotions fine tooth combs (metal and plastic) conditioners tea tree oil etc etc!! I was all linen and boil up her hair brush and combs. She has shoulder length hair. And dont want to shave it off so please no suggestions on doing that. Any ideas?




  1. Olive Oil. It's a very inexpensive way to get rid of lice (you don't have to buy the expensive brands you'd buy to cook with!!)  and continuously keep it away if necessary.. and it actually works better than the lice treatments you can get at the store.

    Apply on hair, being sure to get into scalp. Leave on for at least 30 minutes, but it could be all day if you don't have any plans - then shampoo out. It might take 2 shampoos to get the oil out of hair. Use once a week as a conditioner and preventative. Olive oil smothers the lice..

    Make sure you're following the other general rules of lice at the same time, like cleaning her bedding and clothing as well as furniture around the house (sofa, chair, etc)

  2. You have gotten alot of good suggestos so if I may just add to it a bit.

    Consider that the lice she has may be a chemical resistent strain so the shampoos that the drugstores are giving you will nto work on them.

    Also, not sure what combs you have used but plastic ones tend to be of poor quality and the fine tooth metal ones can also be poor knockoffs.  For us, the NitFree Terminator comb ended up being our saviour after struggling as well.  if you have not used it then consider grabbing one.  We got ours online at along wit their mousse which helped to loosen the glue that holds the nits to your hair.

    Again, this is all in additon to the washing at high temperature etc that has been mentioned.

  3. see a doc.

  4. You have to make sure that all of your linens (mattresses, couch, etc) have all been treated as well as your carpets.  Sounds like she is picking them back up from somewhere.  If you have already treated your own house, then she is picking them back up from somewhere else and you need to either get that place treated too, or not let her go there anymore.  There is no reason to shave her head.  And don't.  From someone who lost there hair several months ago from stress and am living with just little more than a crew cut right now, the mental effects are devastating.  If she is 12, I'm not sure if she has started puberty yet or not, but understand that these live in hair if you get my meaning, so there is a possibility if you have not taken care of everything, then she could be reinfesting herself also.  There is a product the doctor can give you that is a little more potent also that can take care of the lice.  I cannot remember what it is called.  It's been too many years.  Good luck.

  5. there was a good website listed on here a couple of weeks ago. it said comb the wet hair every other day for 3 weeks.

    it worked for my son, after 8 months of lotions and potions.

    also, teach her to hug without putting her head close to other heads.

    if they huddle over books in school, then find a way to do this so her head is not in contact with anyone elses

    shaving looks awful, and can make the lice worse, as there is less hair, the lice are closer together, making it easier for them to breed.

  6. the best thing to do is to go see ur family doctor.  they can tell the exact problem and give a lotion or shampoo that is effective.  also try changing her pillowcase every week.  u dont have to shave her head, but cut it at the chin so that lice wont breed as often and so that her head isn't hairless

  7. I think she needs new friends.. Complain to the school about it. They'll have to do manditory lice checks.

    I got it quite a bit when I was 12-13 because I lived in government type housing and basically it spread threw kids within days. One would get it and before you know everyone had lice.

  8. go to walmart and get thi box called                            


               RID complete Kit

    and it has 3 step on the box trust me use it a couple of time it great

  9. oh i hated lice encourge her not to scratch it if she keeps on scratching it threaten that she will get her head shaved (but dont really)

    keep  vegtable oil in thir for 3 hours and then buy avalon organics shampoo (Conditioner is bad and greesy when having lice)

  10. My little sister used to got lice a couple of times when she was younger, and my mom would always put VASELINE in her hair.  It worked like a charm.  You just need to put vaseline all over her hair for a couple of days.  You tie up her hair in a ponny tail.  Let her go to school like that. People will think that it's gel, so it won't look bad at all.  Every 2 days wash her hair and repeat the process until there's no lice left.

  11. might want to change her pillow covers and everything she may have rested her head so it doesn't spread

  12. Have you tried RID?  There's a coupon on the website

  13. You are doing all the right things by using the OTC meds and treating the linens. Unfortunately the question really is where is she getting it from? Usually if you treat head lice properly (sometimes twice for the same infestation to be sure) the eggs and bugs are killed. So, she has to be getting it from somewhere else like school or other friends. It sounds like to me that you are treating her for new infestations each time. She needs to make sure she does not share brushes or hats or really anything for that matter. Until you can locate the source and remove her from it, you will only be reacting to the problem. Good luck.

  14. Washed the kids hair in luke warm water with disinfectant added.  Worked.  12 is a bit old though, does she still play in the sandpit, or with the kids that play in the sand?  That's were the lice come from.  By the way, don't over wash, lice like it "clean and neat"


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