
My 12 yr old dog is constantly unaware when she poops is this normal in older dogs?

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My 12 yr old dog is constantly unaware when she poops is this normal in older dogs?




  1. Unfortunately, yes it happens with older dogs.  It happened with my last dog.  She was 15 when she lost control of her poops and also started leaking pee.  There is a drug that helped a lot with the pee leakage, but the p**p problem is another thing.  Don't worry about it too much.  As a co-worker of mine said, "It just fell out."  

    In my limited experience, when a dog starts losing control of its poops, it is getting close to the end of its natural life.  Please see your vet and discuss this problem with him/her.

  2. No.  Go to your vet.

  3. Older dogs do loose control, but I would take her to the vet to get checked out. :( See what your vet says about it...  

  4. Yes it is my 14 yr old Malty does it! Unfortunately it's just part of getting old! My vet said it could be part of senility.

  5. Older dogs definitely can develop control issues.  This certainly sounds like the case.

    Just like in people, dogs can lose control of their bodily functions as well.

    Leave her on tile floors when you cannot supervise her, or look into some of those diaper products.  Stick to a strict feeding schedule so that way you could predict better when she needs to go.

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