
My 13 Year old daughter wants her ear pirced.. 2nd hole. Should i let her???

by  |  earlier

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Shes only 12.. turning 13 in a bit. her ears don't get infected.. anymore.. So should i let her???? shes been asking for months now. .




  1. yes. it's fine if your'e okay with it.

  2. yup. im 13 and i have a 2nd hole (:

  3. I would suggest her waiting until she maybe started highschool? I think that would be a reasonable time to have it done. I think I was 15 when my mom allowed me to get my ears pierced a second time.  

  4. I don't see a problem with it - surprise her for her birthday or Christmas.

  5. yes, I had my second hole pierced when I was 12 and all was well. I say use it as a reward for something, like getting a good grade on a test at school or helping out a lot around the house.  If you can't think or anything she isn't already doing, just say yes because you appreciate the fact that she's a good daughter.

  6. i think you should let her if it was my 15 year old daugter i would tell her to go for it please let her do it for me thank you

  7. I think you should.  I'm 14 and I want second holes, and my parents don't have a problem with it, either.  (too lazy to go and get it done...)

    earrings can be temporary, too if you take them out long enough, right?

  8. 13 is my current age for my daughter to get her ears pierced, although the subject has not really come up yet. That was the age I was given, and I was allowed at 10. I still have 1 hole in each year  and I really don't wear earrings that much anymore.

    My daughter will be allowed to get her ears pierced (1 hole each year) by 13 if she wants. Anything more than that she will do on her own after she is out of my house. Granted I have no control at some point, but I can pretend I do for a very long time.  

  9. You're the parent, can't you make this decision?

  10. For her 13th birthday present, get it done :) That's around when I got mine done. I let them close up now that I'm an adult, but I still have the single holes on each side.

  11. yea... i mean its not like shes going to be labeled as a hooker now... i dont see the problem.. my mom wont let me and it sucks... let your daughter get it... its just less of a hassel if you do...:)

  12. i think if she asks you for another, as in the third.... then say no... but when i was 13 i got a second hole. not harmless at all! but i didnt want anymore after that.

  13. Im a 14 yr old male and i have my left lobe pierced and my left nipple.


    her 2nd hole will be harmless!

  14. I think you should because it is harmless, but it should be a reward for something. You shouldn't just give it to her free of charge. Like, if she does well on a test, or for her birthday, or something like that. Anything else will make you seem like you are giving in to her instead of rewarding her.

    Good luck!

  15. Hm-mm i know tuns of people with two most of the time they let them close up. but i don't see why not do as a surprise for her 13th b- day take her when she gets up or pick her up from school and go staght there but before make sure she still wants it. and a bit of advise u may want to make her get a small ea ringgbecausese  u can't take it out for monthth it might be better if its smaller for sports and things.

  16. i think you should, its not going to do anything as long as she cleans it, it should be fine its just an ear peircing. mine didn't cause me any trouble when i got mine done again so she should be fine

  17. I wouldn't have a problem with it. I don't really like over 2 holes in each for younger girls, though.. but that's just personal taste.

  18. If you are even asking random strangers on the internet, you judgement is telling you that it may not be a good idea. Don't let your daughter run the roost. You obviously have morals and standards. Share them with your daughter even if its by force

  19. try negotiating for one ear only , but i thinks its fine as long as its a little earring something that will look nice not ordinary.

  20. yes she allready has them if she want more let her exspress herself it her body

  21. yeah. i want mine done & my mom says no & im 15  

  22. I don't find any harm in it.

  23. Let her. Just warn her that overdoing it could look bad.

    Chances are, if you don't let her now, she will in the future, probably behind your back. You may lose some trust between the two of you in the long term. Stay in her life.  

  24. as 13th Bday, tell her that u will let her then

  25. Yes, I find ear piercings harmless as long as they aren't over done. And I mean 3+ rings on one ear.  

  26. Yes. A second hole is not the end of world.  

  27. yes i had my second holes and my cartiledge done for my 13th birthday

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