
My 13 month old has a rash on his entire body?

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My 13 month old son has very tiny raised bumps all over his thighs, arms, and stomach. They are skin colored and he's not showing any signs of discomfort. What could this be?




  1. could most def. be a heat rash, try giving him a bath in oatmeal. if it dosent help call the doctor. =] good luck!

  2. Hives. An allergic reaction to something. You need a DOCTOR to assess this, not YA.  

  3. Usuallly it is a virus that is coming out and means that he was sick, and is better now.  Has he been down in the past week?  It could also be prickly heat.  Try to keep him cool and dry.  

  4. if your putting baby oil on the baby it could be an elergic reaction as my niece had the same call the local doctors and tell them your baby has got an rash and you dont no what from they wil help you with this.

  5. It could be a sign that he has a virus. I would call his pediatrician. They will know if something is going around, or if you should bring him in for a visit.  

  6. Talk to your baby's doctor.

  7. he could be allergic to the type of laundry detergint but i would take him to his doctor just to be sure.

  8. Maybe heat rash?  Best to call the doc though, could be an allergic reaction.

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