
My 13 month old hasn't been sleeping that much for a few days now?

by  |  earlier

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she has been sleeping through the night for awhile now, but for the past 4 or 5 days she has been waking up about an hour after she goes to sleep, then she wakes up for about an hour then she goes back to sleep until about 7:30 in the morning. also she doesn't take naps as long as she used to. why dose she have this change in sleep? could there be something wrong with her that is affecting her sleep?




  1. She may be changing in need for sleep during the day that's normal.  She may end up going to one nap a day soon.  Try laying her down for the night an hour later than you have been if you lay her down before 9:00pm.  If she continues to wake up an hour after being laid down keep the lights out and go in and rock her quietly in the dark and sing her a soft song and when she is peaceful lay her down and leave the room.  If you bring her out of her bed after an hour of sleep you are setting a pattern of her waking and playing.  Check out an article that I wrote it may help you.

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