
My 13 week old baby cannot support her head when on her tummy, what should i do?

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My 13 week old daughter cannot support her head when i place her on her tummy. She only looks to her right and when i move her head to the left she turns it straight back to the right. She can support her head when i hold her but that's about it. She hates tummy time and just lays there despite toys, mirrors being infront of her. I'm really worried, how long does it take? what else can i do. I started tummy time with her late as i thought she was too little. Other mothers i know whos babies are younger are lifting their heads. Please help.




  1. It would help me to know what city you live in, but most have early intervention help free from the state.  They can assess your child and see if they are developing well.  It's possible this is just one area that she is a bit slower in, and in other areas she is fine.  I would definitely talk to her pediatrician on her next check-up.  Also, I wouldn't worry too much.  All kids develop differently, and most kids I know hated tummy time at that age.

  2. Continue to do tummy time several times per day for a few minutes at a time regardless of whether or not your daughter hates it.  Talk to your doctor about the head control issue...if she's only looking in one direction, it might signify trouble with her neck muscles.

  3. if it cant support is head on its tummy dont lay it on its tummy or it will sufficate

  4. If she is turning her head back when  you move it then she must have some muscles. My little girl does that too but she is hard headed LOL if she gets mad she can hold her head up. But just putting her on her tummy she gets mad and just lays there. My little girl is 12 weeks old. I started putting her in a saucer and she holds her head fine and plays with some of the toys on there. So maybe just try something else.

  5. I really wouldn't worry about it. Babies are all different and not all babies develop the same rate. Continue with tummy time everyday and eventually her neck muscles will get strong enough to support her head.  If you are very worried, take her to your family doc/ped for a checkup.

  6. I wouldn't worry. My daughter is too 13 weeks old and does the same thing. She HATES not being held, so there is no way she lets us put her on her tummy. I always try though to put her on her stomach across my legs while I'm sitting and stuff... Other than that, there's no other way she'll tolerate being on her stomach. Her pediatrician didn't seem concerned with it though. I have a feeling she's going to skip crawling and go straight to walking since she wont' let us put her on her stomach to stregthen up her muscles to crawl!

  7. Don't worry too much. Maybe your baby would be more comfortable with tummy time if you got on your tummy and played with her. On, they have a playroom section adn it gives different ganes you can play with your 3 month old during tummy time

  8. my daughter was the same way. she screamed everytime i put her on her belly but every baby will do it in their own time. just keep trying. unless the doctor is worried i wouldnt be. i bought a baby gym for my daughter and she didnt seem to mind it as much. good luck

  9. all babys are different, mine started on his own at 5-6wks, but my best friends didnt do it till they were about 16wks and ped said it was norm.

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