
My 13 year old daughter has to write a paper for health class about 10 reasons to date a swimmer without......

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alot of sexual content in it. can anyone help please??




  1. Swimmers are generally dedicated, hardworking, team players.

  2. Dating a swimmer would be smart because:

    1. knows what dedication is

    2. in shape

    3. attention to details

    4. has a good work ethic

    5. not lazy

    6. knows himself

    7. workout partner if she is a swimmer

    8. about the most drug free sport group there is on any campus

    9. usually not cocky like the football stars

    10. most swimmers are really nice people

  3. I am a swimmer, and have dated many other swimmers, and there are many things that stick out from other girls I have dated ( I am a 17 year old guy, but many of these examples are the same for both sexes). Many times swimmers have a higher confidence and self respect for their bodies, so they will think of consequences before acting. Another standout feature that many swimmers have is a greater maturity level than there age, since they have had guidance from a young age, in the form of a coach. Finally, swimmers are mostly well organized, and achieve good grades in school. These are just a few examples of many.

  4. ill try to keep it clean, lol other than the fact that they are hairless and flexible and have amazing waist movement:

    some qualities they have in the pool they usually might input into a relationship:

    *they are dedicated, swimming requires dedication.

    *competitive but still show teamwork


    *passionate, no one practices like some swimmers do,

    *fit, they might encourage you to be as well,

    *pace setters


    *have high goals


    *determined , they never give up.

    hope i helped!

  5. I think the best approach is to ask yourself what characteristics would make you want to date ANYONE. Is the person responsible? Friendly? Considerate? Healthy? Funny? Then determine how a swimmer might fit those characteristics.

    [BTW -- I find this writing assignment more than a little creepy. The reasons to date a swimmer are all generalizations. I had zero interest in dating: (1) the guy who sold his bed-ridden mother's pain meds, or (2) the guy who scored 14 on his ACT, although both were fine swimmers.]

  6. Maybe a better topic would be 10 reasons not to make generalizations about what someone might be like because they participate in a particular activity!  What kind of assignment is this to give to someone??

    But, I agree with the poster who gave the list of attributes that someone who participates in sports might be more likely to have cultivated.

    I, too, am appalled that the disclaimer of "without a lot of sexual content" is even made.  I hope that "dating" doesn't  imply sexual activity, especially for a 13-year-old!

  7. I don't follow why there would be ANY sexual content in a 13 y.o's's health class, the teacher is looking for why a swimmer is healthy/good shape, not why he/she is $uckable!!!

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