
My 13 year old daughter still have a dummy.?

by  |  earlier

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what can i do to get her off of it.?

She is atticted to it and i do know why?

Why is she addicted to it.?

Please give me ANY information!!




  1. 13 months is not unusual to stil have a dummy!!   My 13 month old has his when he sleeps and I have no problem at all with it!!  I looked after 4 boys for los of years and the littlest had is dummy at bed until he was 4!  its a security thing for kids and its nothing to be too worried about!!  try to have no dummies around and slowly take the dummy away from you daughter!!  she will let go of it eventually!!  but dont be too worried about it!!

  2. I don't think it's that bad for a 13 mth old to still have it and definitely not uncommon.

    But here is a good way for when you are ready if she isn't willing to say goodbye to it or believe in dummy fairies or any of that stuff..

    Cut the very tip of it off so there is a small hole in the end. This will make it harder to suck on - it won't have the same soothing/comforting effect. If she still uses it and doesn't want to get rid of it, cut a little more of the tip off the next day.

    Keep doing this each day, little by little, until she wants to throw it away - and make sure there are no replacements anywhere!

    I had to do this with my son but he was about 2 and a half. Someone else gave me this tip.

  3. I would let her have her dummy still but limit it to nap and bed times only, and by the time christmas comes round she will be that bit older and may understand if you ask her to leave it out for father christmas in exchange for presents, then  cut all the teats off and throw every one away so your not tempted to give in, i guarantee by day 3 she would have forgotten all about her beloved dummy!!

  4. There is nothing wrong with a 13 month old loving her paci. It gives her happiness & comfort because she still has strong urges to suck. She’s still a tiny baby, its totally normal & there is no reason to take it away. This is the time of her life to “baby” her, to give her complete comfort & happiness.

    Not to criticize you at ALL, but why do you want to? Are people giving you a hard time if they see her with it? She isn’t even CLOSE to what most people think is “too old. ” Its none of their business anyhow--she‘s YOURS! Just know that all that matters in the whole world is her--not what is convenient and not what people say/think about either of you.

  5. I was worried when I read your '13 year old daughter' lol!   Seriously though, why don't you invent the dummy fairy?  Tell your little girl that now that she is a 'big' girl', there are lots of babies out there who really need dummies, so if she can help you wrap up the dummies and leave them in a special place so that the dummy fairy can come and take them to the babies (who really need them), then the dummy fairy will leave a little gift for her to say thankyou.  This only needs to be something small, maybe something that can be used as a comforter like the dummy is, such as a small cuddly toy, special dolly etc.  I used this method when weaning my son off bottles.  It really worked for him and he was so excited to get a 'big boy cup' to drink his milk out of.

    The most important thing for you and your daughter is to make it an exciting event and play on the fact that she is getting a big girl now.    

    Good luck!

  6. please tell me you meant to say 13 month old daughter....

  7. There's nothing wrong with a 13 month old having a dummy....try to limit it to when she's tired.  It's better to have a dummy than to suck her can't take her thumbe off her and the habit could go on for ages!

    Your little girl is still a baby - they love to suck !  

    She will give it up when she's ready....She's too young yet!  but in a few months maybe it stays in her bed and is just for 'sleepy' can't take it to the shops, etc., in case you lose it!!!

  8. Say shes a freak and she needs help and so do u just ban them 4 gods sake!

  9. She's addicted to it because it comforts her probably because she's not getting the security and comfort from her parents.

  10. just take it away ,if it's not there she can't have it .

    kids have habits just like adults do and she has to learn that she cant have it any longer

    sound harsh but it's the only way to do it sometimes.

    good luck

  11. hi try getting her to replace it with something that she relly likes ie keyring dummy or maybe try offering her a trade for something that shed like to have

  12. Tell her you are giving it to the faires for some other baby to use but the fairies will give her a little big girls toy  to look after get her a little doll or something from the fairies that she can cuddle

  13. just say no other 13 year olds have a dummy! and its not normal

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