I had my daughter when I was very young and never married her father. We split up by the time she was 1 year old and her dad didn’t come around until she was 5. Once he started coming around he took her every other weekend. By the time she was 9, we decided to move out of state and I asked permission to leave from her dad. It took him a week and he agreed to our terms. He sees her during the summer months and for a week during the holidays. This last time when she returned from her dad’s, she came home to my husband and I splitting up. My husband moved 3 days after her return. Unfortunately, my daughter has been very upset, which is understandable given the circumstance; however, she informed me that she had been talking to her dad and she wants to move in with him out of state. I am not an unfit mother. I work full time, go to school and take care of all of my babies. Can she do this? And what rights do I have as her mother? I have sole custody of her and have since the time she was born…can my daughter just say she wants to move with her dad and move? Ugh…please help!