
My 13-year-old friend has a body of a two-year-old [besides height]?

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she is SUPER skinny, and has this weird kind of belly that sticks out. she doesnt have any like, armpit hair at all or any beginning of b*****s. when do u think she'll grow out of it??




  1. *sigh* They'll have to amputate her leg.  I'm so sorry.

  2. Wont this annoy your friend if she got to know about it?

  3. I know people like that. It is genetic. About the age... I would guess from around 14 - 17. I know a girl who didnt get her period until she was 16. And she still has the body of a two year old. (She is now 18) so, i dont know completely. That is not completely strange. There are many people like that. It kind of sounds like you are upset. Think about how SHE must feel! Be patient.

  4. many girls develop later in their teens, b*****s dont stop developing until around 19, sometimes even past that. sounds like she hasnt hit puberty yet but, she will soon enough.

  5. shes only 13 she may not have even started her period, dont worry yourself about your friends body thats not cool for a friend to do,  

  6. she is only out. hips and b***s will happen.  

  7. That's completely normal; your friend just hasn't started puberty yet.

    My younger sister is 16, doesn't have armpit hair, and doesn't have to wear a bra yet.  Everyone's body has a different internal clock.  Some people start puberty at 10 years old, while other don't start until they're finishing up high school.

    It's nothing to be worried about, and it's something you friend will "grow out of" in no time.  =)

  8. My little cousin is like that and she will be 15. I had a friend that didn't hit puberty til she was 15 and now she is 17 and totally filled out. Girls just hit purberty at different ages its not that weird.

  9. Why are you asking questions about your friends body? She will hit puberty as all teenagers do!

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