
My 13 year old friend is smoking and drinking....?

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Hi. My 13 year old friend has been smoking and drinking all summer. I just found out. She told me she got sooo drunk that she found herself in her front yard not knowing what happened. SHE IS ONLY 13! I wanna tell a teacher or something but i have noo proof at at all! Only that like 20 people know already. We go to a small school. The town only has a population of 299. We are 8th graders with only one class so yeah... I dont know what to do. I told my mom but she doesnt know. I really need some help here! Oh and she is still smoking and in the summer she sunck out of her house every night. help! WHAT DO I DO?





    ^^Try showing her that?

  2. YOU are a horrible friend! I am 13 and a freshman now and did this all summer to. It's fine and normal for teens to be bad! It is NONE of your buisness what she does. don't say that "I;m worried about her" NO! Leave her alone since you can't be a good friend and will get her in trouble for being a teen. I told my friends and they were like "i've always wanted to but was scared" and we ended up doing it all together!  Leave her alone. You shouldn't have even told your mom. Tell her so if someone tells on her she is prepared. OH and SAY SORRY to her for that too.

  3. YOU shouldnt be doing anything!

    its not your business or your problem its hers!

    Every teen does it some earlier than others, one day you will too!

    Just let it go its her life not yours you cant run her life... and telling on her will just make her hate you!

  4. You aren't her mom. You should not do anything.

  5. Keep it to yourself...nobody likes a rat.

  6. Tell her parents and get that girl some help and fast you don;t want your friend to end up on a bad road. You need to tell someone what she told you so that someone can get her help  

  7. Sounds a lot like me, please for her sake don't do anything, it could ruin her life.

  8. chill child chill.

    i was like 11 when i had my first beer

    i was 12 when i smoked my first ciggarette.

    and 14 when i smoked my first blunt.

    its normal that she wants to expirament a bit.

    but if it gets out of hand.. talk to her.. tel her she should slow down a little..

    try to hang out with her.. show her she doesnt need that junk to have a good time.

    if that doesnt work.. MAYBE you should talk with a councelor.. but dont be a snitch.. dont rat her out.. just ask for some advice.

  9. Don't listen to the people who say everyone does it. I don't do it, never have, and I am 17. You need to tell someone you trust if your mom can't help. Try talking to a guidance counselor at school and see if they can help set something up. Maybe they can get a meeting with your friends parents that way they can discuss it. It is not right that she is drinking and doing all that stuff. 13 isn't all of the issue here with me. The issue is that she shouldn't focus on that stuff regardless of age. She isn't old enough to drink or smoke. You are doing the right thing by being concerned about your friend. Something bad could happen to her. So try talking to the guidance counselor and if that doesn't work, go straight to her parents. She may get mad at you but it is for her own good. Best of luck to you.

  10. its none of your business.  

    stay out of it.

    so what if she got drunk. thats her choice.

    did she hurt you while doing it? well if not then don't worry about it.

    lots if 13 yr olds smoke & drink.

    i think you would see that if you lived in a bigger city & went to a bigger school..

    shes just doing what a lotta teenagers do..

    sorry for the rude awaking..=/

  11. just tell a teacher or counceler just say that she does and your woried about her then if they dont believe you just sya  its hurting her and they should care more. If they dont listen try talking to a friend or the girls parents but since its a small town try to stay anonomus trust me i go to a private school thats small so i get it

  12. well first of all i can't see why it's your business 2nd i can't see why you would tell a teacher. she don't smoke at school they to learn you they not the girls parents. !!! giving them 2 much power can lead to bad things  they become power freaks. you could live in a town as big as my thumb or a town as big as the universe but i wouldn't advise you to tell any teachers.  that goes for COLLAGE STUDENTS,TEACHERS ,UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS, ANYONE FOR THAT MATTER. NOT EVEN YOU OWN DOG ! IT'S HER BUSINESS SO BUT OUT !.

  13. Smoking, so what. That's a typical age to start, you ain't her mother, and if she's been doing it all summer no one's going to be successful at getting her to stop because she's probably already addicted.

    Heavy drinking on the other hand can be a serious matter. Unless it occurs at school, it's a matter for her parents, not her teachers. Many or most parents give their kids permission to drink at about her age. They will have to decide when and if to take steps about her binging, which is a stupid activity that will quiet literally turn her brain into an old person's while she's still a teen.

    I suggest you show her this article about what heavy drinking does to a teenage brain:

    But don't be surprised if it doesn't do any good. One of the sad things you'll see as you get older is that once someone has decided to start using a drug, it's very hard to convince them to do otherwise. They have to decide to do that for themselves. You'll see friends sinking into quicksand, and they'll refuse to take your hand. Very sad. Some of the teens who are making offhand "everyone does it" comments here haven't seen the consequences of this sort of fun, they lack the life experience and won't get until they're in their 20's and 30's and start to see friends go down the tubes from alcoholism and the like. I hope your friend is just sowing wild oats rather than starting down that path.

  14. wtf why would you tell your mom?

    dont tell anybody jeez.

    yeah everyone does it at somepoint sooo get over it.

    if you dont like it thats great, doesnt mean you have to rat out everyone else that does.

    13 is kinda the normal age to do that stuff.. well i think so anyway

    i know 11 year olds who drink and do weed.. THATS too young.

  15. Well you have one of 2 choices.1 don't say anything but if you do that you may start here down a road she may never come back from drugs, alacholism, and lord knows what else now and as she gets older. I've seen it happen 2 .Or you can tell but if you do be propared to maybe lose a friend.But if you do tell you need to keep telling and talking to her until someone listens. This is her life and you would hate to see her lose it over something stupid.

  16. i know you want to help your friend or at least if she is still your friend cause if you just found out than i dont think she is a good one. just know taht she might just be going through things that you cant understand. but in the end you cant make her stop what she is doing you have no control over her just worry about you and find more responsible friends

  17. well if you and her are really,really, good friends then u should talk to her real serious like and let her know that she doin to much right now..... be there for her and help her come up wit a solution to stop wildin out so much.... like to drink less often or drink less amounts........ then if she doesnt listen and it gets bad threaten to tell..... if she doesnt straighten up tell her parents..... she might hate u right now but one day she will thank u.......................... but if ur only just friends and not real close let her know how u feel once then if she doesnt listen dont say anything else......... but no matter what always be there for her.....

      ; } good luck

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