
My 13 year old sister confessed to me today that she gave her ex-boyfriend oral s*x. I am freaking out. HELP?

by  |  earlier

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I dont know how to handle this! shes 13! and while they're broken up, the damage is done and I wish I didnt know. I cant look at her the same. I feel sick right now, honestly, when i look at her. I dont know what to do. I tried to act like the cool older sister (im 19, and have done nothing but made out with a guy before) but I did make her feel bad by telling her i was really dissapointed and freaked out cause shes only 13. I just dont know what to do. Please help me.




  1. there's honestly really not much you can do. she's growing up, i don't do stuff like that but all my friends and cousins started doing stuff like that at that age. :/ at least she hasn't done the real thing. just talk to her, tell her to stay protected. maybe help her get on birth control.

  2. ha i was 13 when i lost my virginity?

    andd? its her choice. yess shes a bit

    young, but these days, i wouldnt be surprised.

  3. you should tell her the risks

    help me-

  4. What is past is past.

    She's still your little sister. Talk to her about responsibility and accept that she is a human being with her own experiences.

    Don't assume there is "damage done," for her 13 was the right time to experiment with oral s*x.

    Don't judge her.

  5. wow 13 and oral s*x,she would fit in perfectly at our school 3 chicks gave birth none seniors in a school of 200.Wow.

  6. Perhaps she told you cause she is feeling bad or weird or freaked out it herself and needs some advise or help.  

    You need to let her know your reasons for not doing anything like that yet and just talk to her about it.

    She obviously trust you alot to tell you and you did the right thing by not freaking out about it infront of her.

    Let her know the risks :

    and that she doesn't have to do those things because she feels pressured!

    Good luck and look after your little sis :)

  7. I'm sorry to say that your sister makes me lose faith in humanity.

  8. get over it. Its done and over with just show her how to protect herself so she doesnt get pregnant or any stds. Showing her pictures of stds wont hurt.

  9. you need to talk to her!

  10. Don't freak. Understand her. Tell her the risks, though. You can't stop her so don't try either. But do warn her. What happened happend and there is no way of going back. Understand she's a teen. Understand that she will try and experiment. best of luck

  11. You dont have to feel bad about telling her the truth. In any case, she should be the one feeling bad for what she has done!! She is only 13 and not an age where she should be doing those types of things. you as an older sister have to step up and tell her that what she did is verey wrong. you should also tell your mother about it before she also starts having s*x..if u dont do anything about it she´s gonna get to her again and tell ur mother about it.

  12. Well, what can you do?? Whats done is done. I guess you could just talk to her about the risk of catching std's, hopefully that will freak her out and stop her from doing it again.

  13. Sexuality is nothing to be ashamed of or be blamed of doing

    Tell her that you hadn't done that in a way that she understands your reaction instead of thinking you're making her be like you.

    Talk to her calmly, you can't really tell her something that could hurt her if you respect her as an independent humang being.

    Don't go with society taboos, it's really cool that she trusts in you that much.

    Talk to her about STD as all the other ones said but dont make it a lecture, she's going to get that at school if she hasn't already.

    Most of all respect her and tell her she has to do only what she wants to do and be comfty with doing. She has to be free and not do things like that just because all of her friends have done it or something like that.

  14. where i live that's pretty normal don't know what you can do though

  15. apologize for being so mad.....but discuss the harms of it...


  16. i think you should try to talk to her about it and tell her it's wrong and she really shouldn't do that. i mean, you're her older sister, she will most likely listen to you for at least a few years!

  17. While she's too young to be doing these things, i have to wonder if she is lacking wholesome affection and attention at home.

    I believe that, a lot of girls who do these things at 13 years old, are emotionally lonely.

    Just a thought.

  18. you need to suck some and calm the **** down, half the population is experimenting at 13 you not only made her feel ashamed of a very natural thing at that age but managed to make her never confide in u again.good job. the problem is not in your sister its you. your 19 and the thought of oral s*x makes u sick. you should be the one giving her pointers. god made u a woman for a reason. enjoy it.

  19. Obviously he is using her if they are broken up... but she made a decision to do it on her own. theres nothing that you can do.. You are her big sister so she will come to you asking questions..

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